March 22nd, 2008

[info]ex_waterbend910 in [info]paraooc

Just so everyone is aware, tomorrow is Easter which means this weekend is slam full of egg hunts, meals with family and friends, and a giant rabbit bringing my daughter a basket full of candy she doesn't need but that her dentist insists she gets so he can afford to put his own kids through college.

Or something like that.

Anywho, my point is, I may not be around a whole lot this weekend but I am going to be trying to get up a few scenes and reply to the ones I already have out there. If you see me on AIM (queenofcordyland), feel free to ping me, but don't get insulted if I don't reply back immediately since holiday weekends really are kinda hectic for me.

I'll be back in full swing by Sunday evening, though, so no worries!

~ QueenC

(Annie Wheaton, Charlie McGee, Cordelia Chase, Darla, Jaina Solo, Katara, Mikaela Banes, Padmé Amidala, and Skyfire)