March 11th, 2008

[info]alittlebizarre in [info]paraooc

OKAY SO I PICKED UP BIZARRO ON POPULAR DEMAND. So like, I figured since he's the exact opposite of Clark and there's been the eclipse that never ENDED going on as of late, he should be okay to use his abilities, right? The sun isn't exactly his BFF anyway. But, uh, yeah. For those of you who are not Smallville fans, Bizarro is this phantom dude who stole Clark's DNA and has all of his abilities and all of that good stuff. If you're a Superman junkie, he's a bit different than he is in the comics. He doesn't have the speech problem and he's not HIDEOUS. Plus, hey, no backwards 'S' costume. Just normal clothes. He's had this obsession with BEING Clark lately, so he might try to fool some people by putting on a fun little act. I have more information up in his profile - or I eventually will - so you guys can take a peek whenever that gets done.

Oh, and this is MJ. =]