February 21st, 2008

[info]lostaussie in [info]paraooc

Just letting ya'll know that I'm going to be really slow responding for the next few days. My new job is much more draining then I thought it would be. I'm also preparing to help chaperone a youth conference next weekend (so I won't be here at all then).

I'll try my best to tag into my posts once or twice every day, but sadly I can't make any promises.

Kirsten (Claire L, Bastila S, Nico M, Lavender B, Juliet B, Princess Mia, Sabe)

[info]damnedhunter in [info]paraooc

So here's to hoping the third...fourth time is the charm?

I'm going to be bringing in Dean Winchester. I think there was a plot going with him earlier, maybe kinda? Anywho...I had something else to say and completely forgot so...hi. Hope everyone's having a good evening!
