January 24th, 2008

[info]boy_scout in [info]paraooc

Hey, I got a new character. He's a Shaolin priest named Kwai Chang Caine ([info]i_am_caine) from Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. I figure Chinatown wouldn't be too far away, so he might stay in L.A.

Who knows, maybe he'll open up another kwoon to teach kung fu to citizens. Lol. Anyway, plottage, he's open to any.

Oh! I also see that we have a... John Connor? Oh boy, that rocks. Now I'm tempted to app my Terminator (Arnold) journal. ;)

- Mike (player of Tony, Clark, Lex, Caine)

[info]awareofgarfield in [info]paraooc

New person!

So, um, I figure I should introduce myself.

I probably know some people here already, but I've been lazy and haven't checked XD You can blame April for my being here *sage nod*

My name's Lyn. I'm pretty much a fixture around a bunch of games, because I have no other life besides online and school >_> *cough*

I've come to this game bearing one character (yes, for those of you who know me, gasp! shock! only one!) I bring with me Marlena Diamond from Cloverfield. She's coming in after everything went down so (for those who haven't seen it I'll be vague) suffice to say she's a little confused XD

I'm pretty easily reachable, either through my email - without.a.script@gmail.com

or my AIM, which basically, if it shows me as being on at all, it means I'm around. You can catch me on AIM at empathic destiny, and feel free to just poke me even to say hi.

So, um, I think that's everything! And now I'm off to bed, since I should have probably been there a few hours ago anyway ;) *toddles off*

[info]terminatingjohn in [info]paraooc

John is emo, and so am I.

HI! *waves frenetically* I'm Ca. I'll be playing John Connor alias: John Barbara here on Parabolical. I recently dropped out of RPing after modding went sour on a Heroes RPG of mine... so yeah, trying to get back into the swing of things. I played Zach lol. So now I'm back with the same PB, but different character! I see there's a Claire here.. we could probably do some lulz, I recognize you! bullshit if the Claire-player would so desire...

Anyway, intropost is up so someone take it! :D


[info]im_documenting in [info]paraooc

Wow. what, I've been here a week and already I'm addicted? Damn. That's kind of sad.

Anyway. Hi, I'm Ramen. I play [info]barrowsheriff. (Who you know. :D) And given that I'm a sad little puppy and roleplaying puppets are like M&Ms (You can't have just two!) I've got a few neewbies to introduce y'all too.

Harvey Dent [info]believe_in_me. Anybody read Batman Comics? Say hello to Gotham City's District attorney, who for the sake of me having not seen the new Nolan film (and kind of being wary of it, yikes) comes from Tim Sale and Jeph Leob's "Long Halloween" Comic just before his fateful trialdate.

Harvey's a lawyer (and a damn good one) so if you've got puppets in need of representing (or if you're looking to recruit a lawyer for nefarious evil deeds? Wolfram and Hart I'm looking in your direction!) Harv's your guy. He's slightly on edge since when he was "kidnapped" and taken here by organized crime (it's the only explination he can think of) His wife was in the car. Expect him to be of...two-sides to every issue. *firm nod*

Hudson Platt [info]im_documenting How many of you have seen Cloverfield? How many haven't? Okay, Hud's post movie? (so far?) but we saw Davy Jones's player's idea about the monster and Sam's Player (points finger) encouraged the rest of us to pick up film characters so...If You do use the Cloverfield monster Davy? We'll uh...be running and hopefully trying to help people realize ZOMG IT'S A MONSTER.

and stuff. Maybe. Hud's a loveable geek who's aware of buffy, but for the sake of argument (and canonpuncturing?) I'm going to say that Angel the TV series doesn't exist in the Cloverfield verse (along with LOST, Alias, etc. etc...Hey Losties, we should talk. You want to cross over? Given that it's the same creator?)

And Finally.

John Winchester. [info]lonehunter
John comes in straight from the end of his run in canon. Here's the skinny. The powers that be in HIS universe saw that his kids might be in trouble, (along with the rest of humanity? Bears? Fishes?) John's a hunter who's been to hell, come back, been to heaven, and...ended up in Los Angeles. He is most definately good, and as soon as the bad guys are figured out...you'd better watch yourselves.

That's all! I can be reached at clericpikachu on AIM if you guys wanna plot! :D

[info]kindabutch in [info]paraooc

Howdy everyone! I'm Dee.

This isn't my first panfandom game. But it's the first in over half a year so I'll try to catch up with everything in game. Hopefully. Let's see...oh yeah. I'm bringing in Dean Winchester from Supernatural. The eldest of the Winchester brothers and currently the hottest (kidding). I'm really looking forward to playing him because...I'm usually the Sam and not the Dean. So this would be my first time playing him in a game setting rather than IM setting. Let's just hope I don't get too insane.

We're always up for plot. If you want just reach me at alittlebitanal on AIM and I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible. I also want to talk to the Sam player (obviously) since I'm kinda bringing Dean-o after he went idiotic and made a deal with CRD. O_o Anyway! I'm looking forward to playing with the lot of you! :D