January 20th, 2008

[info]barrowsheriff in [info]paraooc

The noob scent...do you smell it?

Hey! I'm Ramen, uh...and I got dragged in by Sam's player and I have a feeling I might become addicted. :D I play alot on Milliways_Bar over in LiveJournal.

This is Eben Olemaun, who you might recognize from the Movie 30 days of Night. What you probably won't recognize, is that there's at least seven books of complicated back canon from the series involving his wife, a vampire menace (yes, it is a menance) and the US government trying to keep the whole thing under wraps.

Eben comes from the end of the film meaning that he survived Barrow (...technically) and has ended up in Los Angeles to spend his...afterlife.

Here's the thing about 30 DoN vampires. They have the strength, the speed, the heightened senses, but unlike buffy vamps they can't hide what they are. eben'll be wandering about with all the black eyes and the fact that unlike buffy vamps his fangs aren't of the two-elongated canine variety, and they...don't go away.

Here's where the opportunity for plot/mischief, blah blah blah comes in. XD. Eben's hovering on the verge between being a typical "I'm undead" bastard and being a normal decent vampire. Canon has him reaching in both ways so...Who wants a vampire with above average strength for most vamps? The good guys? Or the bad guys?

I'm clericpikachu on AIM if you wanna discuss possibilities? :D

[info]shadow_lust in [info]paraooc

Doody doo

A head's up (I said that way too much today) that I will be leaving February 5th-12th. I will of course post in the hiatus thing and remind you all, but because I am leaving, I am trying to wrap my threads up and avoid starting new ones (or at least a lot of new ones), because I hate making people wait and it's one less thing I have to worry about when I come home. ^^

Korrin [Psylocke.Obi-Wan.Jack Sparrow.Bumblebee]

[info]elizabethan in [info]paraooc

It's Julia again with Elizabeth Swann. She's independent, she's stubborn and she'll probably handcuff you to a ship and feed you to the Kraken if she finds the person responsible for screwing up her perfect day of Jack killing and whatever else. I know there's already a Keira Knightley PB with Allison but can anyone honestly see Elizabeth played by anyone other than Keira?
And if you can, well.. Psht. Keep it to yourself =P
Oh, right. She's from the second film, Dead Man's Chest. She disappeared right before she was about to leave Jack Sparrow alone on the ship.

And if the Pyro and Liz should ever meet, well it can be like the Lindsay Lohan parent trap re-make where everyone was like "Lol, you guys are so strangely familiar looking. What's up with that?" and then it takes until about 45 minutes into the film for them to realize that omg, that torn photo fits together.
So anyway, just a head's up.

[info]seemingly_aloof in [info]paraooc

Yeah, so I still have gotten the AIM situation on my computer fixed yet. Still working on it though!

Anyway, would anyone like to scene with Mai? Her meeting Mikaela would be so cool, as would a scene with Zuko. That's not to say that she wouldn't interact with non-Avatar kiddies. Like, Exxie, maybe Mai could drop by Rin's shop or something?

Just let me know :)

[info]ex_blind_ban334 in [info]paraooc

So, I was looking to pick up Jazz from Transformers (movie version cause I know nothing about the comics and such). But, I'm stuck on a PB for his human form. When I saw the movie, Jazz just screamed 'black guy' to me, but I'm completely and totally drawing a blank. So, would any of you lovely people have suggestions?