January 9th, 2008

[info]haloed1 in [info]paraooc

Heeeee - someone come play with Roger in the library, he's a good boy but it can get awfully boring in a big scary library all on one's lonesome, yeah? XD

[info]starscreamingly in [info]paraooc

'Kay, so this is Starscream. Yup, from Transformers. No, not from the recent movie adaptation. He's actually officially from Armada, though I've taken elements from both the 2007 movie and G1. (: So umm.. he's a little torn about where his loyalties lie. And even though it's fanon, I'm saying that it's suspected that Skyfire was his bond-mate. SO ANYONE WANNA' PICK UP A GIANT MECH? I'd give my first-born child for a Skyfire. Or really, ANY other Transformers character. An Optimus Prime or a Megatron would be fantastic.

He'll have shown up like.. in the middle of the city---in a park, for convenience's sake. So feel free to notice the battered-looking Decepticon. (:


[info]paramods in [info]paraooc


Attention members, the GAME TIMELINE is up and running! I spent a good chunk of today going through the main comm, graffiti, and communications comm in order to set this up. If there are any mistakes or anything you, the members, feel should be added, comment to THAT post and changed will be made accordingly.

- Tamara (MOD!)