December 30th, 2007

[info]not_a_hermit in [info]paraooc

Late gifts?

Right, so apparently I want to torture myself with this silly icon challenge idea I came up with. If I can pull it off and have time, I want to make "The ____" icons for all the chars here, OR in the very least make one for each player.

What do I mean by the? Well, whatever one word represents your char best. Examples: Scout would be 'The Scout,' Cordy would be 'The Seer,' Psylocke would be 'The Mutant' or harlot lol, Edward would be 'The Lion,' Anakin 'The Sith Lord,' Soubi 'The Sacrifice' and so on and so forth. SO you want icons for your pups? Leave me a comment here with the char, the PB, and the word you want on the icon. I will do what I can, when I can and then mass post or something.


EDIT: Course, preferences should be noted too, like hair color or facial hair, etc. I can't very well make a Legolas-long-haired Orlando icon for medium-hair Will Turner now can I? ^^