December 26th, 2007

[info]trappedinatower in [info]paraooc

So for the last few weeks, I've wanted to bring in a character and have refrained. Then I received the movie the character is featured in for Christmas today and... well... I couldn't resist.

Everyone, this is Annie Wheaton.

Annie Wheaton, this is everyone.

She's from Stephen King's Rose Red. For anyone who hasn't seen it, she's a 15 year old autistic girl who is also a VERY powerful psychokinetic/telekinetic/telepathic/psychic. VERY VERY powerful. Like, made it rain large stones on a house when she was five kind of powerful.

She doesn't speak much, but when she does it's best to listen to her, even if she doesn't always make sense.

She adores dominoes, and dolls, and is very 'pure' at heart but also not. She's compliated. Basically? A typical Stephen King character, through and through.

Anywho. I'm still on AIM at queenofcordyland if anyone wants to plot or play with her. And I guess that's it. See ya on the RP front!

~ QueenC

[info]jake_simmonds in [info]paraooc

Hya, its me Tar, short for TARDIS. Y' thought I was just a time machine that had no soul!

Anyway, I drag Jake Simmonds from Dr Who Universe. He's gay. The actor and the character is gay. Did I know that when I made his application? No. Had I ever played a gay character? No. Well, this is the first.

There is not much to Jake from Dr Who. (I will do all lot of side writing and history of Jake. For Jake's sake!)

But, he be fun to have around.

I am thinking playing Bail Organa from Star Wars and maybe Joda Fett too. (Watch out you Jedi scum!)

[info]sonofvampires in [info]paraooc

Hello! I'm Chaku and I'm new to the game, but I do know a few of you from various games. I'm bringing in Connor Angel to cause a little chaos, though at the moment, he is trying to pull off the 'normal' thing and keep away from the demonic nonsense that is his life. We'll see how long that lasts. He's post AtS season 5, with nothing from the comic spinoff having happened to him. Yet. A fuller biography can be found here. Anyone that picks up Dawn Summers or Faith Lehane will get my first born. >.>

I can be reached by E-Mail at and I have an OOC journal at [info]chaku for anyone that keeps in contact that way. I'm going to be a little on and off for the next few days, but Connor will have an open thread up soon and I will be able to tag that. I'm glad to be here!


[info]your_beloved in [info]paraooc

Umm.. so this is Agatsuma Soubi, from Loveless. He's 20 years old (oops, forgot he was younger), an art student, and the Sentouki in the pairing Loveless---though his name was originally Beloved (as far as anyone knows, anyway). Being the Sentouki basically means that he's the 'servant' of the pairing, and given his former Sacrifice, he's a little more slave-like than most. Err.. here. This explains the Loveless world better.

Plz to be adding him. (: As always, I'm available on AIM @ xx rapturously.
