Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Sep. 22nd, 2010|09:59 pm]
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[Mood | working]

*Arrived in Ossiriand and immediately got into the swing of things with a detailed power-point presentation.*

*Checks his watch when he's about half-way through.* Forty-five minutes? Time flies when you're enjoying yourself.

So, as we can see from this pie-chart, thirty percent of staff have not been meeting their billing quotas, which simply will not do. Now, if we examine a break-down by branch...
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[Aug. 20th, 2010|12:21 am]
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[Mood | relaxed]

*Has finally put in an offer on a house (on land, bleuch).*

*Since this leaves them with a free day, decided to show Marian around the academy.*

*Waits for her in a café on campus while she's off powdering her nose or whatever it is women get up to in public bathrooms because they sure do take a long time.*

*Hears some sort of Eru-awful pop jingle coming from her handbag so fishes out her phone.*

*Peers at the new-fangled thing and guesses it's the green button he should be pressing.*

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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|12:39 am]
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[Mood | confused]

*On his way to work, sends a quick prayer heavenward, having become quite partial to the odd prayer in this life (yes, it was a surprise to him too).*

Eru, please, no surprises today; no shock rehousings, no negligence suits, no random ainur visits, just a quiet day today? Please?

*Arrives at the office and immediately notices a total stranger sitting at Marian's desk.*

Who the hell is that?
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[Jul. 18th, 2010|11:45 pm]
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*for shits and giggles, decides to check in on one of his favouritest mortals (for entertainment's sake, only)*

*makes an appointment through the appropriate channels, for all that it would be easier to ooze out of the shadows and say boo! some night when his target is walking home after another late evening in the office*

*arrives at the reception desk* Yes. Yes, tell him that I'm here. Yes, Mister Tóth is here for his appointment. Yes, it is a first appointment. I have a case that I hope he'll take.
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[Jul. 12th, 2010|10:30 pm]
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[Mood | productive]

*Works late, as is his wont and gets caught up in a secondary text, which is all very interesting but not entirely relevant to what he's supposed to be working on.*

*Realises how late it's getting and decides it's probably best to stop being a tragic geek, stop for the night and go get something to eat.*

*Locks up his office and notices a light still on in one of the peon's dungeons cubicles.*

You're still here?
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[Apr. 23rd, 2010|11:55 pm]
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[Mood | excited]

*It's that time, the most wonderful time of the year!*

*Collects the relevant Wonderful Files from reception and makes her way up to her department with a definite spring in her step.*

*Knocks on the Boss' door and lets herself in.*

Remember what's happening today?
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[Mar. 5th, 2010|12:15 am]
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[Mood | rushed]

*Hurries back to her place of indentured servitude work, engaged in a frantic phone conversation with her slave driver boss.*

Yes, they've been submitted...fine! It was fine, plenty of time to spare. Oh, plenty. Five minutes. ... Traffic! I can't help that. ... Well, if they'd been finished earlier...no. No. You're right. It's my fault, I'm sorry.

*Pinches the bridge of her nose.* No, they didn't have poppy-seed rolls, I got sesame seed - *Growls* THEN. SCRAPE. THEM. OFF.

Uh-huh, yeah, I'm here...I'm here, I'm walking up the steps right now...as we speak. Yes, I have coffee too.
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