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Opus Two RPG

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[Dec. 6th, 2010|11:48 pm]
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[Mood | worried]

*Knows that pulling a gun in a crowd isn't quite on par with his family's past antics but is still sufficiently worried by it and its potential fall-out.*

*Proceeds in the only way he deems sensible given the severity of the situation.*

*Dials a phone number and paces back and forth across his living room as it rings, before cursing when it goes to answering machine.*

Nerdanel? If you're there, pick up. Seriously, pick up. *waits* Dammit woman, pick up! Look, I know things haven't been great between us lately but I don't know if you've heard, maybe you have heard, but Celegorm decided it would be a brilliant idea to threaten to shoot Doriath's royal family, in public. At a football match, no less. Okay, the boys haven't got together yet, they haven't burned anything down, they haven't invaded anywhere but you know how these things can escalate so please, for the love of kittens, pick up.
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[May. 26th, 2009|01:57 pm]

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*upon hearing of the birth of his newest nephew, bestirs himself to leave Hithlum and appropriates Fingon's private jet (the only way to ensure that he does not get extradited - AKA shot down - over enemy airspace)*

*arrives in Ossiriand and goes to visit his mother and youngest siblings before tracking down Maglor and seeing the newest edition to the family*
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[Jan. 11th, 2009|07:18 pm]
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[Mood | restless]

*spends a few days rattling around his mother's house & neighbourhood* *knows he will eventually reach the point of having to go home to work, but isn't without something keeping him here*

*makes touch with Erendis, a little more productively, and offers to go with her on house hunting in the area*

*has his agent forward any mail that's collected, to his mother's* *is fairly cheered to find a picture in the pile*

*on instinct, decides to call Elrond, then waits nervously hesitantly as the phone rings*
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[Jan. 2nd, 2009|12:55 pm]
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[Mood | nervous]

*having survived the Erumas season with his mother's hospitality to thank and possibly other familial distractions?, recovers feeling all the more focused about the year to come*

*invites Erendis for a conversation, some time after most of the gathering settles down*

*might have one or two tiny things on his mind*
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[Dec. 8th, 2008|03:01 pm]
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[Mood | hungover]

*makes it home through some form of transportation to his mother's house, a round of pool and many drinks later*

*awakes to find himself on the couch some time the next morning*

*makes a mental note to thank Maedhros for getting him back in one piece assuming he lasts the morning at Turco's in one piece*

*weighs the odds of coffee and aspirin vs. remaining motionless in a dark corner for quite some time*
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[Aug. 28th, 2008|12:13 pm]

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[Mood | devious]

*finds her mother's oh so casual mention of lunch with her father to be intriguing* *very, very intriguing*

*thinks it's a good sign her master-plan is working* *which is good, because her master-plan really only went as far as "get to Ossiriand and magic will happen"*

*wants to keep things going in the right direction (moving here will help)*

*waits until her mother has gone off to her brother's house to help with secret painting projects* *goes for a walk and dials her father's office number*
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