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Opus Two RPG

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[Oct. 21st, 2008|11:52 am]
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[Mood | busy]

*has scarcely had time to breathe, between moving back to Ossiriand, plugging back into the family/friends network ("Mo-om, you said you weren't going to have a party!" "It's not a party, it's a get-together. My baby's a celebrity, after all!"), and gearing up for his part on AOT (photoshoots, ad spot shoots, screen tests, costume fitting, et al)*

*is quickly learning that the fear of Amarië is a healthy (not to mention necessary) Fear indeed*

*sees Finduilas quite a bit on-set, although he hasn't really had a chance to talk to her outside of the general work-flurry* *feels he owes her for helping him out, but doesn't really know what kind of thank-you gift to get her*

*finally opts to just go with the most inoffensive route* *finds her entry in his cellular and dials*
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[Oct. 3rd, 2008|09:23 am]

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[Mood | shocked]

*gets the last of her clothes packed away in the bedroom in her new apartment in Ossiriand (and wow, isn't that a horrid phrase?)*

*hears a knock on her front door and someone calling "Pizza delivery!"*

*frowns and walks out to the front room, pulling the door open* I didn't order any pizza. It's murder on my— *is rudely interrupted by the burly, scary-looking men at her door as they promptly throw a hood over her head and hold her against the wall while they bind her wrists and ankles*

*kicks (as best she can) and screams as she's very obviously thrown over a broad shoulder and carried out of the building* *can't see a thing as she's dumped unceremoniously on a floor, but hears the car doors slam shut and the engine start up perfectly well*

*keeps screaming until she's too hoarse to scream anymore (and can't help wondering why her neighbors in her building were so unresponsive)*
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[Sep. 8th, 2008|08:59 am]

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[Mood | lonely]

*has made it her daily routine to walk down to the set and hang out for a while, chatting with any other cast and crew members who may show up, seeing as everybody she knows and cares about is either out of town or maybe-evil or Fëanorian (or some combination thereof)*

*when she arrives, finds that more people than usual are milling around and gossiping (about Amarië and her brother) and talking about how they heard from so-and-so who heard from what's-her-face that Amarië might actually be back in town*

*spots one of her co-stars and is soon getting the entire inside scoop*
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[Sep. 7th, 2008|08:34 pm]
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[Mood | good]

*ventures around Lindon with Haleth a little more after Gil-Galad takes off for college again*

*stops in at a general store a ways east of there, gets lunch and some photos developed when he sees they have a 1-hour printing* (*particularly amused at a self-portrait that shows only the top of their heads with a pretty wide view of mountains behind them*)

*has a sudden wonder if his mother knows where he is* *...which is really sort of a new thing actually* *gets a calling card* *phones Finduilas from a payphone outside the store*
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[Aug. 25th, 2008|06:41 pm]
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*through various means and ways (aided and abetted by Caranthir's superior organisation skills), infiltrates Delving (and will never be persuaded to speak of the method ever)*

*makes his way to Finduilas' apartment building and even helps the elderly lady from the upstairs apartment to carry her shopping in*

*positions himself outside Finduilas' door and waits for her to come home from work*

(*is utterly prepared for any eventuality, with a concealed gun and having texted Celegorm with the location of his last will and testament*)
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[Aug. 24th, 2008|05:59 pm]
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[Mood | frustrated]

*loiters around outside the Delving As Órë Turns on-location set, chewing on his pinky nail and glancing through the backlog of placed calls on his cell phone*

*glances at the red-circled newspaper ad in his other hand, then double-checks the number in his phone* *sighs* *was wondering if maybe he'd been dialing the wrong number or something--hasn't been able to get ahold of anyone about the casting call* *granted, it's a few weeks old, but the set's still up so maybe they could still use an extra somewhere...?*

*leans back against the building and watches traffic for a while, wondering if he could get away with just walking in and introducing himself to whatever head-honchos are inside* (*and wondering if he'd have the guts to do it without stammering and stumbling all over himself like a moron*)
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[Aug. 19th, 2008|07:09 pm]
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*settles down in the mid-morning to read the tabloids that Celegorm doesn't want in the house but whatever, they're funny*

*isn't sure why he's surprised and examines the grainy photographs with a semblance of -- some emotion he can't be bothered to identify*

*is already phoning Caranthir as he jogs up the stairs to his room to get dressed and armed*

*leaves a scrawled note for Celegorm (Gone to kill Cáno. Don't wait dinner) and completely bypasses his mother* *gets to the airstrip where Caranthir has a jet waiting for him* *makes all due haste to Himlad and, upon arrival, has a car waiting (again, courtesy of the most efficient brother ever)*

*goes to his (former) brother's house and bangs on the front door with an open palm*
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[Aug. 17th, 2008|08:35 pm]
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[Mood | awake]

*has spent a rather good day, followed by a rather good night*

*wakes up, still sharing his bed, and experiences the rather novel hope that this might be followed by a good morning as well*

*makes no hurry to get up until Finduilas does*
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[Aug. 14th, 2008|09:45 am]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*was somewhat unprepared surprised to compare her schedule with Maglor's and determine that the best time to visit him was so soon after their last conversation*

*having firmed up (via e-mail) the arrangements to meet him, travels to Himlad*
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[Aug. 11th, 2008|11:18 am]
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[Mood | complacent]

*after returning home from the last round of family togetherness, passes the time in relatively sedate avoidance bliss, finishing post-tour business* *at least his nose healed properly*

*finds himself slipping into that time when a project is done and needs a new one to fill his attention, but has absolutely no idea where to begin*

*hasn't broached anything with Finduilas, a little more stung than he'd like to admit* (*did make a promise, though*)

*still getting a late start to the morning, rings her*
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[Jul. 22nd, 2008|02:27 am]
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*has been even more irascible demanding irascible and demanding than usual since that horrid dream of several nights past*

*stations herself in her chair on-set and sips her chilled bottled water, her sunglasses perched on the tip of her nose as she looks over the revisions to the last on-location scene they have to shoot*

*lets everyone think she's thoroughly absorbed in the creative process and is therefore taking her time over the script, but really, is monumentally distracted* *damn her, and damn him, as well*

*idly wonders if perhaps she ought to call Ingil and check in, as he hasn't replied to yesterday's text yet?* *could use the (pleasant) distraction, in any event*

*glances across to see--* Excuse me, why are we all just standing around over there? Go double-check your posts, we cannot afford to have to re-do this scene because of technical difficulties. Thank you.
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[Jun. 14th, 2008|02:13 pm]
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*upon reaching Ossiriand, sits down to send a letter to Finduilas*

In Ossiriand. Met Tyelpe. He doesn't like me but there was no swearing (of Oaths or expletives) or violence.

*encloses a clipping from one of the local papers (you know, the one in which the notice of divorce was posted)*

*wanders through his brother's house, wondering where he is*
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[May. 25th, 2008|12:35 pm]
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*spends a few private minutes in her limo, looking over the strip of mini-photos she and Ingil got from a booth during her visit to Ossiriand* *has to smile (genuinely!) at the silly goofy-face/bunny-ears/sibling-choking ones* :)

*sighs and carefully puts the photos away, exiting the limo with her gameface firmly in place*

*is immediately informed that some touristy-type gawkers have just arrived on the set*

*finds herself in a rather good mood and decides to go get rid of them herself, instead of making one of the underlings do it*

*heads past the lighting and camera techs and the makeup/script/blocking crew (barely noticing that they are parting before her and her entourage like the proverbial Red Sea)*

*spots the intrepid threesome and smiles her most winning smile flavored with just a dash of blatant superiority, of course*

Hello! I'm sorry, we cannot allow anyone beyond this point--too much going on, you understand, and I do believe I would KILL cry if any of the plot points were leaked to the Internet...

*trails off as she gets a better look at one of the gawkers in particular* *tilts her head in that polite "I am not fucking seeing this" manner of hers*

*at approximately -48 C* Findaráto.
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[May. 21st, 2008|04:06 pm]
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[Mood | contemplative]

*finishes the first Gondolin show* *finds himself satisfied enough with how it went, given who was in the audience*

*moves to the hotel directly to take a few press questions*

*situates in the (empty) bar since there's a piano there* *has his agent finish up outside while he waits*

*sits and plinks out a few scales, winding down*
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[May. 19th, 2008|08:13 pm]

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[Mood | sad]

*wakes early in the morning and kisses Curufin goodbye, careful not to wake him*

*soundlessly collects her things and leaves the premises* *makes immediate arrangements to hide place a public notice of divorce in the legal classifieds section of an obscure Ossiriand newspaper she feels safe in betting Curufin will never see*

*catches a train to Gondolin, intending to visit Idril, who left Hithlum the night before*

*gets as far as the main entrance to Turgon's palace, where she's informed that Idril has moved to Delving* *is at a bit of a loss for what to do next*
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[May. 15th, 2008|09:41 pm]
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*after some of the mayhem has died down, 'rescues' a full bottle of champagne, two glasses and a plate of food*

*meanders his way to Finduilas' room and knocks on the door*

*just loudly enough to be heard through the door* Room service.
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[May. 13th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*wakes up on the morning of his sister's wedding and is determined to be happy and supportive and happy and --*

*sighs and gets ready and goes to the venue (one of the courtyards in the Royal Compound) which is completely bedecked with white flowers*

*takes his seat on the bride's side and avowedly does not look at the empty seats on either side of him*

*realises he's ridiculously early when the band arrive to tune up*
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[Apr. 26th, 2008|10:03 pm]
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[Mood | nervous]

*has had several whole weeks go by without catastrophe* *unless you count Haldar acting as twitchy as he usually does?*

*decides since Delving might not actually have it in for him at the moment, to see if his mom mother would like to have lunch*

*invites Haleth along for moral support*
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[Apr. 14th, 2008|10:06 am]

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[Mood | bored]

*answers a call for extras on the set of As Órë Turns, having received some valuable? networking information from her ex-pimp/agent/uncle*

*although she isn't sure how clearly the "ex" part is coming through*

*walks through the background of the same pub scene for 37 takes, getting antsier as one of the "real" actresses keeps flubbing her line*

*finally loses it after Take 38* "Fancy meeting you here, Alasdair." It's not Shakespeare. God.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|06:47 pm]
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*makes his way to Delving as a matter of urgency*

*well, stays the night in Ossiriand, seeing as the hotel accommodation was already paid for by his company and there's no getting that back*

*but travels post-haste to Delving*

*well, takes the train, because he doesn't want to use up his air miles on any old journey*

*but really picks up speed when he gets to Delving*

*saunters down the street, trying to decide whether to call his big brother or his baby girl first*
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