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Opus Two RPG

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[Feb. 10th, 2011|06:12 pm]

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[Mood | weird]

*is feeling pretty drained after her conversation with her brother* *takes a nice, long nap despite the way everyone seems nervous about the idea of letting her close her eyes again*

*wakes later that evening and decides she's sick of lying in this bed* *carefully disconnects the various tubes and doohickeys attached to her and swings her legs to the floor*

*wobbles unsteadily over to the window, arms outstretched to her sides, thinking this must have been what it was like learning to walk as a baby (not that there's any chance of remembering that)*
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[Feb. 1st, 2011|11:42 pm]
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*is not quite precisely where he means to be* *is in a hospital and that is correct* *is rather annoyed that said hospital is in Ossiriand and not in Hithlum*

*asks for his sister's doctors to be contacted so that he can speak to them, personally, about arranging transfer to a healthcare facility in Hithlum*

*waits outside Káni's room while Gil-galad is in there with her, his knee hopping up and down while there are no pencils to be broken and wondering (fearfully) when and if his sister can be expected to regain consciousness*
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[Jan. 31st, 2011|11:29 pm]
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*working on a tip from Glorfindel, hauls ass with his grandfather and Mike the Marchwarden to Vána's place*

*makes his way to the front door and wonders how closely guarded the place is likely to be*

*figures he might at least try knocking (and it takes all his restraint not just to shout out Káni's name*
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[Jan. 30th, 2011|01:04 pm]

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[Mood | worried]

*really did intend to sneak or shoot his way into Doriath* *finds the added complication of the borders being closed and rather heavily guarded when he and Gil-galad drive near, however*

*gets out of his car well clear of the roadblock, trying to work out the best way to go about this* Well. This could get messy.
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[Jan. 18th, 2011|08:38 pm]

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[Mood | confused]

*when one day, then two pass without any further confirmation from Rachel, descends on his eldest's office on the appointed day, thinking Rachel might be there already and simply forgot to send him the go-ahead (not that it's like her to forget...well, anything)*

*bursts inside with barely a glance at poor Margaret* 'káno! We got a schedule to keep here! *stops short in the inner office, surprised to actually see Fingon sitting at his desk* *at a more reasonable volume (for a normal person; downright subdued for a Fingolfin)* You know 'bout the schedule?
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[Mar. 3rd, 2009|07:20 pm]
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[Mood | curious]

*has a mission should he choose to accept it*

*makes his way out to Hithlum on a train with a car full of school kids on their term break oh Eru*

*tries not to ponder too much of the inevitable begging apologizing as he makes his way to the local burger joint for a (*wince*) Helm's Deep Freeze*
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[Dec. 9th, 2008|12:19 pm]

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[Mood | ecstatic]

*having saved Anairë's text until he could make it into the nearest mobile phone supplier's store during business hours again (for instructions on how to read it again), finally gets the good news*

*hops a flight to Ossiriand and then grabs a cab to that intercourser's good-for-nothing's house, encouraging the driver in his own special way to get the lead out* While I'm young, Sparky. Gotta see my baby girl's baby girl!

*gives his name at the gate when requested to do so (folks are friendly, he guesses?) before storming right on up to the house and throwing the front door open, giving a very flustered Nina a wide grin* Howdy. Where's my granddaughter?

*in a strange twist of fate, does not add the word "illegitimate"*
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[Aug. 22nd, 2008|02:34 pm]
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*determines per request that the former High King has indeed left town*

*calls in a few favours and gets word he's back in Hithlum*

*follows there pretty quietly by train, then rented car, and makes a few inquiries* (*really grows a little curious how the guy's doing, actually*)

*asks around, then takes a walk to check out the local pubs*
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[Aug. 4th, 2008|07:25 am]
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[Mood | ecstatic]

*is practically giddy after her whirlwind night out* *cocktails + dancing + handsome boys + dramatic rescue = PRETTY GOOD NIGHT* *won't even have to make up the plot for her next book*

*has all promises from Erestor that she can make it to Glorfindel's concert, sprained ankle or no*

*leaves in a wheelchair with a bandaged ankle and more handsome boys helping her*

*outside the venue, cheerfully* Do you think they still have any t-shirts?
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|08:07 pm]
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[Mood | bored]

*has been facing a dire lack of distractions with his compatriots on the job*

*therefore finds it far less enjoyable to wind up a lounge full of Gondolin patrons with his Eru-awful (thank you, thank you) rendition of "My Way" without any singers to wind up*

*takes a seat at the bar, until his evening shift at the palace starts*
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[May. 21st, 2008|10:10 am]

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[Mood | shocked]

*has spent every minute since the not-wedding reception holed up in his quarters at Fingon's compound, waiting for his wife to come home*

*and waiting*

*and waiting*

*starts to realize that nothing much has changed there except that the volume on the television has crept steadily upward and the piles of cigarette butts are now overflowing every ashtray (much like all those pizza boxes in the trash bin)*
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[May. 15th, 2008|03:23 pm]
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[Mood | blank]

*confusedly runs a few steps after Aredhel* *lets her go* :( *tries to catch Argon or 'káno's eye for advice*

*smooths down her jacket and skirt* *quietly* Ah. Thank you everyone for coming.

*kind of blankly finds a seat at the end of the bridal party table and looks at all the pretty pretty flowers and decides to maybe have a drink or two*
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[May. 13th, 2008|11:44 pm]
[Tags|, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]
[Mood | anxious]

*wakes up on the morning of his sister's wedding and is determined to be happy and supportive and happy and --*

*sighs and gets ready and goes to the venue (one of the courtyards in the Royal Compound) which is completely bedecked with white flowers*

*takes his seat on the bride's side and avowedly does not look at the empty seats on either side of him*

*realises he's ridiculously early when the band arrive to tune up*
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[May. 8th, 2008|10:34 pm]
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[Mood | hopeful]

*assumes thinks Írissë and Fingon seem to have the wedding plans under control, with the way they've been cooped up in the office lately*

*pulls together random scraps of paper with notes and checklists to see if there's anything left for her? to do*

*is especially curious when Tilion's going to arrive and if he'll have time to have a real chat and everything he sounds like a dream* :)

*sees "seating chart" on one of her bits of paper*

*pours herself a very large glass of cheap rosé wine and sits down with coloured pins, a guest list, and a layout of all the tables*
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[Mar. 10th, 2008|09:44 pm]
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*having cadged a lift with his cousin to Ossiriand, stops by the regional Office Supplies office which always cheers him up (because he's still the top regional salesman* *the pictures lining the wall behind the office reception desk say so!*

*makes his way to the university football ground a short while before it's due to start*

*buys himself a ticket and a giant foam hand and gets himself a good, touchline seat*

Go Panthers, what?
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[Mar. 3rd, 2008|09:41 pm]
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[Mood | pensive]

*had a lovely lunch with his aunt and cousin* *really, lovely*

*goes about his business as usual: studying, TA-ing, attending lectures and going to football practice*

*eventually runs out of reasons not to return to his dorm which has probably been turned into an opium den by now*

*wanders around the quad, still wearing his football gear*
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[Feb. 18th, 2008|06:37 pm]
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[Mood | bored]

*has calmed down enough since the initial panic to be sitting quite comfortably in Celegorm's hospital room*

*is drinking coffee while resting his feet on Celegorm's bed and subscribing to the old Fëanorian motto If you have to think about whether to call Mom and Dad, don't call them.*
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[Feb. 18th, 2008|08:15 am]
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[Mood | worried]

*is interrupted from her exciting evening of same-old, same-old by a call from the hospital?*

*explaining about "your daughter's condition" and "x-rays" and "emergency contact"*

*gibbers through the call and gets Ñolo to get them a cab there*
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[Feb. 7th, 2008|01:29 pm]
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[Mood | hopeful]

*flies in to Ossirand with her husband for a nice family visit with the kids at school and her husband?*

*takes the airport shuttle to a Holiday Inn nice and simple hotel with all the pay per view channels amenities*

*calls Káni from the room to let her know they made it*
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[Jan. 29th, 2008|09:29 am]
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[Mood | grateful]

*has really had... very few things to complain about since Ñolo got his hearing checked?*

*notices the staff are less twitchy, for starters*

*may have survived a few monster truck rallies as well*

*calls Káni to let her know how things are, gets voice mail* *leaves a (pretty babbly) message*

*takes her journal into the lounge and starts playing around for fresh story ideas* *ooh, this one'll definitely start on a boardwalk* :)
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