Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 16th, 2008|02:43 pm]

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[Mood | rejected]

*for the third consecutive day, heads out to what Mindy has informed him is Finduilas's favorite café to see if she'll bother showing up*

(*thinks it'd be much more dramatic and effective to break down her door and toss her apartment for cash/drugs, but doors are often much sturdier than they look, you know. plus, the new tat on his dominant shoulder is still smarting and stuff. yo.*)
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[Mar. 12th, 2008|05:03 pm]

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[Mood | cynical]

*doesn't quite know why she's been invited to a baby shower(??) for one of her daughters' friends(?), but decides it's only polite to be sociable when the situation calls for it*

*collects her girls and their gifts (and the nurse she hired to keep an eye on Niënor during the day trip away from the MHC) and heads outside the city*

*arrives at the appointed place and ogles the grounds and the sign out front in confusion*

I do not understand. Paint...ball?
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[Feb. 28th, 2008|12:58 pm]
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[Mood | working]
[Music |yes. totally working. really.]

*checks in with his staff at home and has the post sent over that's been piling up*

*finds a courtesy copy of the new album (Sanctuary: Songs of a new Órë) and a list confirming the names to send gift copies to*

*looks it over just to check, even though they're already sent out: Fëanor, Nerdanel, Nelyo, Turco, Moryo, Curvo (even though he'll just throw it out), Ambarussa (ditto but <3), Finarfin & Eärwen (very nice hosts), Findekáno (thanks for the hostage-relief), Elrond, Finduilas*

*stops and stares at the last name for a good minute* *forgot he'd done that*

*sighing, takes himself out to the boardwalk to make some calls to his publicist and see if any reviews are out*
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[Feb. 13th, 2008|11:09 pm]
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[Mood | okay]

*is being much, much better about looking after herself to the point of taking a half-day at work*

*goes for a wander through the bohemian district of town, figuring that the gentle excercise and pseudofresh air will be good for her and the baby*

*takes her time as she passes shop windows and thinks about getting a present for Nellas to say thank you for, well, being Nellas and sweet and thoughtful*
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[Feb. 13th, 2008|01:30 pm]

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[Mood | busy]

*finally returns home to Menegroth, horny and unemployed*

*thanks her lucky stars that at least she hasn't been evicted from her apartment during her long absence* *oh, and she has a son!!*

*wades through her mail and finds an item of particular interest*

*has a look through the papers, her scowl deepening with each turn of a page*

*scribbles a quick note to Curufin:* Were you aware you haven't actually signed these? Pls fix as I'm not signing now only to have you make "a few small changes" after the fact. -F

*locks up her apartment again with a sigh* *drops the papers off at the post office and then wanders off to her favorite café for a gourmet sandwich she can mostly afford*
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[Jan. 16th, 2008|08:53 pm]

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[Mood | okay]

*spends an unseasonably warm day (or maybe it's always nicer by the sea?) shopping in Vinyamar, on her own and feeling better than she has in some time*

*stops in a tacky café for an overpriced iced coffee and some people-watching* *can't help noticing all the happy families and couples about* *wonders how Celebrimbor is doing these days*
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[Jan. 9th, 2008|06:43 pm]
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[Mood | calm]

*has entered a state of absolute zen, in complete contrast to her husband-to-be* *yay, husband-to-be!*

*sits patiently as her hair and make-up are perfected*

*looks at the wedding programme in her hands:*

~-~The Marriage Of~-~
Eärwen Olwiel to Arafinwë Finwion

5.00pm: Arrival of Wedding Guests
5.30pm: Cocktail Reception (Ballroom)
6.30pm: Exchange of Vows (Balcony)
7.00pm: Champagne Reception (Ballroom)
8.00pm: Dinner (Ballroom)

*looks at her reflection and smiles, biting her lip, hoping that Arafinwë will like the tiny flowers in her hair and the very demure, simple dress and veil*

*takes a deep breath as 5.30pm approaches*

*makes her way out and down the sweeping staircase to the front hall* *has her arrival announced at the entrance to the ballroom*
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|09:30 pm]

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[Mood | blah]

*is pretty tempted to simply skip town, but can't quite bring herself to leave Celebrimbor up in her hotel room, all alone and most likely feeling like death*

*stops down in the hotel café for some strong coffee to go*

*further arms herself with pain relief in pill form and goes upstairs* *feels pretty stupid knocking on the door but does it anyway*
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[Dec. 20th, 2007|12:33 pm]
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[Mood | drunk]

*having gotten himself stranded, and ever-so-suddenly having been confronted with some of his very unfavouritest repressed memories, and realizing he didn't actually know where he wanted to end up in the first place, anyway, parks himself at the pub*

*gets himself exceptionally fucking plastered*
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[Dec. 18th, 2007|03:52 pm]
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[Mood | determined]

*heads into town to look for Finduilas, hoping Maedhros was just exaggerating about the part where she was planning to skip town*

*finds the right place and makes an inquiry at the front desk to leave her case*

*loiters as nonchalantly as he can around the lobby, wondering how far she's got to while he rehearses speeches in his head*
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[Dec. 16th, 2007|06:59 pm]
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[Mood | frustrated]

*decides to head for the mountains, despite the cold* *remembered them being nice, before*

*skirts Himlad, just to stay out of the way*

*just about manages to get going on the main road before the truck shudders and sputters to a halt*

*manages to flag down a passerby and get a tow into town*

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[Dec. 14th, 2007|10:36 am]

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[Mood | scared]

*returns to Maglor's from a sightseeing (i.e. shopping) venture, feeling more refreshed and relaxed than she has in a long time*

*can't quite shake the strange notion she's had for the last couple days, though* *the one where you're sure you've forgotten to do something or keep an important appointment*

*steps into the foyer and freezes suddenly* Oh SHIT.

[Edit] *walks back into town on aching feet*

*stops at the first B&B she sees and checks in* *wonders what the fuck she's supposed to do next*
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[Dec. 11th, 2007|05:13 pm]
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*ushers Finduilas into his bedroom and locks the door safely behind them*

Best brothers. Can't live without them, can't throw them out into the cold. ;)
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[Dec. 10th, 2007|09:15 pm]

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{Maedhros left Hithlum and travelled to Himring. The journey was long and arduous and Gil-galad's car was not especially fuel-efficient; not a good acquisition in a time of maybe-war. Maedhros was exhausted when she reached Himring and she fell into a deep, deep stupor.

& then he woke up.}

*spends a large part of the morning preening staring at himself in every available shiny surface* Well. Now I know what it's like to be Tyelco.

*grins and goes down to the garage at Himring* *selects a motorbike, acquired through Caranthir, and makes all due haste to Himlad to visit his brother* *is going to delay his return to Hithlum for a little while*

*roars up a main street, gunning the motorbike engine because it seems like a highly masculine thing to do*

*stops at a liquor store, figuring that Maglor may need a stiff drink when he arrives*
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