Opus Two RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Opus Two RPG

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[Nov. 9th, 2008|05:43 pm]
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[Mood | pissed off]

*makes his way into the hotel bar in some non-descript (but allegedly four star) hotel in Ossiriand, his entire bearing screaming disappointment*

*goes up to the bar and orders a brandy*

*some hours later (and it is the same brandy, only about half-drunk), is holding forth on how unfair it is that Barnes won this year's Golden Paperclip*

Look, all 'm saying is that Barnes couldn' sell a bar of soap in a prison. *significantly* Summin's not adding up.
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[Apr. 13th, 2008|04:36 pm]
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[Mood | anxious]

*is striding through the streets of Delving, speaking into an answering machine*

So, the thing is, Findaráto? I totally meant to call sooner but I had to go to Balar for this work conference -- *almost pleadingly* -- you get that, don't you? Work being important and all, right? And I'm really trying and everything? But it sorta hit me on my way back that there is something Wrong at play here. I mean, Angaráto is a pimp, did you know that? And he acts like he doesn't know who he is. And my daughter apparently works for him which is so wrong. It is wrong, right? I mean, it's almost more wrong than the whole Gil-galad thing, right? I mean -- *gets cut off by the beep*

*rings back* Anyway, yes, I'm coming straight to your office. See you soon! Bye. Byebyebye.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|06:47 pm]
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*makes his way to Delving as a matter of urgency*

*well, stays the night in Ossiriand, seeing as the hotel accommodation was already paid for by his company and there's no getting that back*

*but travels post-haste to Delving*

*well, takes the train, because he doesn't want to use up his air miles on any old journey*

*but really picks up speed when he gets to Delving*

*saunters down the street, trying to decide whether to call his big brother or his baby girl first*
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[Mar. 10th, 2008|09:44 pm]
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*having cadged a lift with his cousin to Ossiriand, stops by the regional Office Supplies office which always cheers him up (because he's still the top regional salesman* *the pictures lining the wall behind the office reception desk say so!*

*makes his way to the university football ground a short while before it's due to start*

*buys himself a ticket and a giant foam hand and gets himself a good, touchline seat*

Go Panthers, what?
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[Feb. 13th, 2008|08:34 am]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*gets his latest assignment and grins* *is clearly being rewarded for being the #1 salesman for the last quarter*

*makes the necessary arrangements before travelling to Hithlum*

*sits patiently outside Fingon's office, with his briefcase on his knee, and quite a few free samples from his company Office Supplies (it's not a catchy name but who needs catchy when you're the most successful stationary company in Beleriand?)*
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