August 14th, 2008

[info]ex_fantome768 in [info]onceuponanooc


I'm heading out of town in a few hours to visit friends, and I'll be gone until Sunday evening!

If anyone has a thread they want, either let me know or go ahead and post it up, and I'll see it/get to it! I should still have internet access, so I'll be able to hop on occasionally; I'll generally be pretty scarce, though.

I'm pretty sure that I'm all caught up with threads, and all that's left is some backstory/plotting that I'll be replying to in the next day or so!

Everyone have a great weekend!! ♥

[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc

Hey, y'all!

Wheaton Academy is the name Lena and I settled on for our Chicago based high school. Several people commented and almost everyone liked that name. (Though, when I was typing it, I'm sure I left the letter A out... we'll just overlook my ignorance.)

Lena and I have put quite a bit of work coming up with schedules and such. So I feel that I can safely say this is the only high school we'll put so much effort into. It would be great if we could put one in every city but... this isn't a high school game. It's a game with a high school in it. Needless to say, if you put your school age kid somewhere else, you'll be responsible for such information. No hard feelings, right?

I've been working diligently on an information page for Wheaton Academy. Lena has helped me find all of our Alumni.

I've set up an ical with school events on it. Classes will begin August 20th for those that are interested.

Now, though, we need your help.
We have a few things that need to be decided about Wheaton Academy.
What would you like the school colors to be?
What would you like the school mascot?
While you're at it, please suggest a name for the school newspaper?

Feel free to suggest clubs and sports and whatever else, while you're at it. This is your game, after all, and your input matters to us.

BTW. I did adds. *cough* In case you didn't notice. *didn't forget to update about that at ALLL*

♥, Crystal