August 3rd, 2008

[info]trustediago in [info]onceuponanooc

HIIII, Lena is INSANE. She has 3 more characters to introduce and she really hopes you'll plot with them.

First up is this boy, Garrett Pitt. He's Richard's youngest real son, half-brother to Jeremy, step sibling to Izzy and he's pretty much an ass. He's a snob and he won't associate with anyone who doesn't have money. At 16, he's already developed a taste for corrupting the innocent girls. And, you know, dumping them once he has. He's ambitious and determined. He's manipulative. He's a high school student in Chicago and he needs everything! Crystal and I would LOVE to have a few of the family lines filled - specifically Garrett's mother and the two OPEN Sawyer boys, so chat us up if you're interested!

I also have [info]evilsykes aka Thomas Richards, who is Richard Pitt's BFF since childhood. He's just as snobbish, just as rich and powerful.. and he's a politician. Scary, right? He adores his family (a wife and 3 teenage-ish children who are open for play) and would do anything for them, though he does carry on his secret affairs. Did I mention that he's a bit of an ass? Also, he's Pierce Brosnan. Who wouldn't be willing to sleep with that? He travels all over for work, but his home is in Chicago. He needs friends, enemies, girls of all ages to fling with, exes - everything, basically!

Lastly, I have [info]corusrogue aka Chandler Fitzpatrick. He's a quiet, broody boy and he's a little bit screwed up because of his upbringing. He was raised in Boston and his oldest brother was a drug dealer/criminal who liked to force Chandler to help him out. His mother died when he was young and his father hasn't really been around - he basically ran away to London for college to get away from his life and he hasn't really looked back. He needs everything but an OTP, because she's being apped, I think.

They all have storylines and such in their journals, so check 'em out. I also have a list of all my characters and what's plotted/needed for them here, so feel free to check that out! I am ALWAYS up for more plot! You can IM me at macgirl50 on AIM, drop me a comment, or PM my personal IJ at [info]lena.


[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc

Hey, y'all! Adds have been done - new characters from Bunny, Lena and Sarah this week, so be sure to do some plotting with them and welcome them into the game! All, don't forget to run the friend adder on all of your journals!

Some other notes:

+ We've made some minor edits to the application, so please make sure you're grabbing the latest version when you're filling out a new app.

+ We've finally put up a wanted page! We'll be listing out wanted lines and reincarnations, so hop on over and comment with the info on things you'd like to see filled and if you're considering a new character, we hope you'll consider filling one of those lines for someone else.

+ Don't forget the Just for Fun Awards and the IC Twenty Questions.

As always, feel free to PM or email us at any time with questions or concerns. Thank y'all for making this an active and fun community - we really love you guys!

♥ Lena-shaped Mod

[info]hazylolita in [info]onceuponanooc

New character! :D

HEY ALL! I've got a new character joining the game, and I'm SUPER excited about her. Unlike all of my other characters, I've played this girl before in a different game, so I've got a solid feel for her and all her layers.

Anyway, she's Jessica/[info]almostfalling, and is a 22-year-old exotic dancer/aspiring model living in LA! She's the reincarnation of Griet/Girl With a Pearl Earring. She's had a LOT of issues going on with her in the past, and it's definitely shaped her into the slightly screwed up girl she is today. However, she genuinely is a nice person, if a bit on the forward end of the spectrum.

I really want some awesome SLs for her, especially the love interest (which I'll be putting up in the wanted lines post!) so make sure you check out her bio/SLs and let me know what you could see working out! ♥

Full bio/SLs located here!

[info]akingsson in [info]onceuponanooc

His name is Kingston but he goes by Drew. And he is the younger brother of Chloe Roberts. Smart for his age Drew is a 21 year old sarcastic, quiet, not quite the nice boy next door wants to be friends with everyone sort. It seems some of the things from his past life have not left him but instead made him slightly bitter and maybe a little judgemental. He's a darker sort that keeps to himself but has no problem getting into trouble. His job is a computer programmer but what he really does is hacking and virus writing among other things.

Where Chloe can see the light in people Drew can see the darkness. It's a gift and a curse. Most people's darkness comes out during the night meaning that Drew gets the gift of walking through people's dreams. He's always the 'other' person there... the scary sort in the background.. meaning he is pretty much a modern day boogieman... but this talent he has no control over.