August 1st, 2008

[info]stfuwater in [info]onceuponanooc


So, as most of you know, I've been in Tampa for a week. WOO! FUN TIMES! Unfortunately, I had to go back home and Lena's headed back to Tampa without me. While I missed my family, I'm totally going to miss Lena. It's a shame I can't just cut myself in half and stay in two places.

ANYWAY. I do have a point. :D :D

I'm home, now, and I'll be able to catch up on replies soon. Right off the top of my head, I know that I owe Hermeh and Sabrina two replies... anyone else? For that matter, anyone want to thread with me? How about plot with me? I totally intend to go back and reply to character introduction posts but I'll do a mini introduction of my characters. Including a new one! :D

Okay... so...

FIRST! My new guy!!

[info]lustpersonified - Himeros
47. Chicago. Banker.
Richard is rich. On top of that, he's cocky, confident, and self-assured. Not only does he come from a family that has more money than Henry VIII but he owns a rather large chain of banks. Needless to say, he can be a bit of a snob. He thinks he's better than those who come from poorer backgrounds. Though, he does know when to hide that particular personality trait. He's selfish, spoiled, and vain. However, he's also very caring and a wonderful father.
NEEDS: children, ex-wife, friends, business associates, enemies... everything. His OTP line is taken by his wife but he does need everything else.

[info]fool4love - Romeo
22. New York. Aspiring Chef.
Jeremy is originally from Chicago. Like his father, is confident, cocky, and self-assured. However, unlike his father, he is not remotely snobby. He's a very giving, loving person. Until recently, his largest desire was to be a slacker. Now, he wants to be a chef. He loves to cook just as much as he loves his video games. Honestly, he's quite lovable but... that could be him talking.
NEEDS: friends in NY and Chicago, business associates, enemies... lots! ANYTHING!

[info]guiliana - 3rd Dancing Princess.
21. Atlanta. College Student/Waitress.
Ana grew up in New York city. She's very confident and very independent. She's not conceited or anything like that, she is just very self-assured. She's majoring in business but she's doing that because that's what her family wants her to do. The truth is, she cares very little about it. Dancing is her passion. She wants to be a choreographer but her DISability sort of gets in the way of that.
NEEDS: friends in New York and Atlanta, ex-boyfriends in New York and Atlanta, best friend in either place, enemies... everything. Her OTP line is covered by Sabrina's Caleb but any and every thing else, please.

[info]greekhero - Achilles
22. Atlanta. Professional Football Player.
Matt is a male chauvinist pig. At least, that's the only side of him that most people will ever see. He's politically incorrect and rude. However, he can also be the southern gentleman he was raised to be. He's a complete man-whore and he likes that lifestyle. Really, there's more to him than meets the eye but very few people see that side of him.
NEEDS: flings, friends, enemies, EVERYTHING.

[info]indecisivegent - Ashley Wilkes
20. Los Angeles. College Student/Intern at CBS.
Unlike the former, this guy is the epitome of a southern gentleman. He's polite and caring. He's a little on the quiet side but not because he's shy or anything of that nature. Jon is a good guy. He's the guy your parents would want you to bring home to dinner.
NEEDS: friends in Los Angeles, ex-girlfriends, current dating prospects, businessy type associates, anything, really.

[info]mrsweettooth - The Gingerbread Man
21. Chicago. College Student.
Chris is... a very confident person. However, when it comes to emotions other than confidence, he's quite stoic. He was raised in the south and is usually a southern gentleman. However, you'll catch him being a little bit of an ass when surrounded by his best friends. He's really a good guy, though. All-American type of kid.
NEEDS: friends in Chicago, ex-flings, current flings, enemies... again, EVERYTHING

[info]virtuous1 - Guinevere
21. Los Angeles. College Student.
Libby is FRIENDLY. At least, that's the polite way to describe her. She's a cheerleader and about to start her last year of college. She's definitely a party girl. She'll buckle down and do her school work but she'd rather just be out having fun.
NEEDS: friends, flings, enemies, EVERYTHING

[info]stfuwater - Sister
21. New York. College Student.
Ashleigh is one of my favorites. She grew up in Chicago. She's loving and far too trusting. She believes there is good in everyone. She's not as innocent as she once was but that's to be expected. After all, she is growing up. Her mother is pretty horrible to her and it causes her to be a little insecure but she's got an amazing father that tries his best to counter anything his wife does.
NEEDS: friends in Chicago and New York, ex-boyfriends in Chicago, enemies... EVERYTHING.

[info]cornishknight - Tristian
18. Atlanta. College Student.
Lori grew up in Chicago. She's spunky and fun. She's not exactly a party girl but she's far from being a nerd. She comes from a family of wealth but she's not remotely stuck up, either. Some people might consider her a little preppy but that's definitely not how she carries herself. When she was in high school, she had a tendency to turn her nose up to everyone that her best friend turned her nose up to but she's going for a fresh start in Atlanta and she's really looking forward to it.
NEEDS: friends in Chicago and Atlanta, ex-boyfriends/flings in Chicago, enemies, ANYTHING.


[info]onceuponamodly in [info]onceuponanooc


As promised, we've done the activity check. The following characters have not updated their journals (100 words or more) or been active in a thread within the last 30 days.

Anthony Ingram as Rhett Butler
Bella Masen as Lucy Harris
Clarabelle Fontaine as Eris
Dylan Murray as Crowley
Libby Andrews as Guinevere
Mina Brandon as Elinor Dashwood
Rhiannon Mondale as Ilse
Richard Thompson as Adam Young
Zac Maxwell as Peter Pan

If these characters receive another warning within the next four months, they will be removed from the game.

As a note, we've noticed that not everyone is dating their journal updates properly. Please refer to the rules for instructions on how to do that.

♥ The Mods