Sep. 13th, 2008


Who: Hades and Artemis
What: Meeting to discuss an item of interest, and perhaps more
Where: Yellow house
When: Sept 13, 2 PM
Warnings: None

Dante had left quite the cryptic, yet straight forward message on Athena's voicemail. After procuring the number for herself, the two had played a bit of phone tag, finally designating a time and place to meet. If Cadance knew her uncle at all, she knew there was something more to this meeting than discussing an artifact.

She hadn't seen him but one time since arriving in Miami, yet apparently both knew of the other's presence here. Dressed in her casual jeans and loose top, she drove a bit recklessly to his home. She didn't know what to expect when she rang the bell.

Sep. 2nd, 2008


Hey peeps. My hiatus is over! Whoot. I really want to do some plotting with my ladies, so please... if you have any ideas or want to thread, let me know. I am totally down. I know Artemis needs to check up on Mel and Calli really wants to see Apollo (she just grumbled).

Jeia, over and out.

Aug. 15th, 2008



I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be on hiatus from now until August 30th. My pups, Calliope and Artemis, will be with me. I wish you all a happy August.


Jul. 20th, 2008


Closed Scene - Helen's Birth

Who: Mel, Thalia, Artemis, Nick
What: Baby!
Where: Nick and Mel's place, Theater
When: Today! The 20th
Warnings: Baby warnings of ichor and messes.

Part One, getting a theater  )

Here there be babies to be born. )

Jul. 17th, 2008


WHO: Artemis and Mallory
WHAT: Hunting and girl talk
WHERE: Mallory's, then the car, then hunting
WHEN: Last weekend

what do you mean? you're a goddess? )

SUMMARY: Mallory is confused about how she could possibly be Eurydice. Artemis discusses it with her, then proves she is a goddess herself on their hunting trip (not scened, as we felt it would take forever!).

May. 11th, 2008


Repost - Battle plans

who: .... A lot of immortals
what: Making battle plans
where: Jube hotel
when: back a bit
warnings: none really. %Ancient Egyptian%

Note: Just a posting of what we've done so far, for everyone's ease, so we can keep it going.

comment to continue please )

Apr. 16th, 2008


Who: Mel and Artemis
What: Check Up!
Where: Mel and Nick's House
When: Friday 11th (?) Morning
Warnings: Sprinkling of Emo. Nothing really.

This person was totally a friend! )

Summary: Artemis comes to check on Mel and baby.

Mar. 26th, 2008


Who: Cadance (Artemis) and Mallory
What: Meeting and becoming friends
Where: Bookstore, archery range, various shopping places in Miami
When: Backdated to one week ago
Warnings: Other than sarcasm, no.

books written on dream analyzing were complete crap )

Summary: Cadance and Mallory meet and shop together. Cadance is resolved to helping Mallory get back her memories.

Feb. 26th, 2008


Who: Athena and Artemis
What: Building the shoppe
When: Tuesday, February 26th, daytime
Where: Miami, of course! Their residence then the location of the workers
Warnings: None as yet

beauty is in the eye of the beerholder )

Feb. 22nd, 2008


Who: Apollo, Artemis, and D
What: Going to the woods
When: Friday morning through Sunday
Where: Artemis/Athena's home, the road, the woods

we're off to see the wizard! )

Feb. 9th, 2008


Who: Artemis and Ares
What: Clubbing.
Where: Flavour and later the park
When: Backdated to Saturday, Feb 2nd
Warnings: Ares' intent, nothing graphic but his mind is on just one thing, sex.

Dressed to kill, he went downstairs grabbing his long leather coat on the way out. )

Summary: Ares is looking for sex and finds a sister, saying that he is not happy is an understatement.

Feb. 8th, 2008


Who: Apollo and Artemis
What: Reuniting
Where: Artemis/ Athena's abode... maybe elsewhere
When: Backdated to Wednesday, Feb 6th
Warnings: None yet

and we meet again )

Jan. 22nd, 2008


Who: Artemis, Zeus, Athena & a cameo from Alana
Where: Zeus' Hotel and then the former Cyclops stronghold
When: The 23rd
What: Scouting the possible new store spot
Warnings: Probably won't be many, maybe some swearing.

Intro )