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May. 27th, 2011


Who: Hades (solo)
What: Time to find demons
Where: His sons' bedroom, Hestia & Hera's house
When: May 20 going into May 21, 2011. Late evening
Warning: none

Rushing across town and into that house in some sort of mad fit would do no one any good regardless of outcome. )

Summary: Hestia had put a thought in Hades' mind about demons invading his sons' dreams. When everyone was asleep on the Friday evening he slept over, Hades decided using black magic to help him find out if that was actually true or not was what he was going to do.

May. 24th, 2011


Who: Hades & Hestia (with the Twins)
What: Unusual reasons for tears
Where: Hades’ office
When: May 19, 2011. After thesetexts
Warnings: None.

None of... your enemies... they can’t get into dreams. Can they? )

Summary: As Hades reported to Hestia over texts, their twins sons were hopelessly inconsolable before both their parents arrived to comfort them and found out they seemed to have been sharing a disturbing dream.

Apr. 26th, 2011


Who: Hades (w/ Eric Lot) (solo-lite)
What: Questions to Papa, Answers from Papa
Where: His office
When: Today (ish), afternoon
Warnings: None

My father was a bad man and never did anything nice for me. )

Summary: Hades, king of being unable to convey his feelings and thoughts to adults and pretty much everyone around him, finds no problem telling his son, Eric, everything he wants to know and being perfectly understood.

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Open Scene

Who: Alana, Mel, and who ever else shows up to greet either of them.
What: Random Meetings
Where: Some park in Miami
When: Recent
Warnings: None yet.

Why not have an open scene right? )

Mar. 21st, 2011


Who: Hades (with Dasha)
What: Nonsense ending
Where: His house
When: Some time after his scene with Heph
Warnings: none

Humored him and cut through his bullshit like only a toddler could do. )

Summary: Dasha wakes up in the middle of the night and Hades goes to her to tell her a story to soothe her. In return, Dasha tells him what he should do with his life.

Feb. 12th, 2011


Who: Hades & Hestia (mostly)
What: Discussions
Where: Hades’ Office
When: January? Mid-day
Warnings: Bold denotes mystical speech

Just say ‘yes’. Don’t say ‘In what context’. I can give the correct answer for once )

Summary: Hestia stops by Hades’ office so they could have a parental discussion, notices that he is more jumpy than usual and then invites him out to lunch. Hades makes sure everyone in his office will be well cared for while they’re away for a little bit.

Nov. 12th, 2010


Who: Dante/Hades & June/Hera (with Delaney, Eric and Edward)
What: Day of the Dead Parade
Where: Miami streets
When: Nov 2. Daytime.
Warnings: None

Edward simply waved at June more, showing off his skull-topped cane. )

Summary: Dante is the kind of responsible CEO of a multinational company that just takes off from work, dresses his children up like Spanish skeletons and takes them to the Day of the Dead parade. June, delayed by the parade, run into them.

Sep. 21st, 2010


Who: Hades & Persephone & OPEN to relatives
What: Marriage #3
Where: The renovated wine cellars of the Biltmore Hotel & the gardens
When: September 22, 2010 - evening (forward dated)

The scene had been set for a beautiful wedding, if not unusual by normal tastes. )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Who: Dante/Hades & Julie (NPC) (with some of the Lot Children)
What: Discussions
Where: Dante’s Office
When: Today
Warning: None

Got something better than Slack-sloth to distract me so I can passive-aggressively tell Idol to sod off anyway. )

Summary: Julie, Dante’s dutiful assistant and friend, strolled right into his office to ask him some questions. One personal and one business. She doesn’t especially get answers she likes but she accepts them just the same.

Sep. 3rd, 2010


Who: Val (Narrative + OPEN to anyone who wants)
What: An accident
Where: Val's house
When: Friday, Sept 3
Warnings: Some unpleasant imagery?

Was it music? )

Summary: Val is doing busywork on her roof when she hears something odd and beautiful.

Aug. 21st, 2010


Who: Hades & Hera (with the Lot Twins)
What: Reveals
Where: Hera/Hestia’s House
When: Afternoon, same day, some time after Hades/Perse
Warning: None.

Would you prefer a short sisterly answer, or a longer, more professional one? )

Summary: Hades comes to visit Hera and ask her a question. The two talk as the twins play.

Aug. 12th, 2010


Who: Hades/Dante & Persephone/Dahlia
What: Conversation
Where: Their House
When: After the Hestia/Hera/Hades scene
Warnings: None

Remember, I’m Hades, if anyone is going to get emotional breakdowns, shouldn’t it be me? )

Summary: Dante returns from Hestia and Hera’s house and from seeing his sons and has some words for Persephone. It really only gives him more to think about.

Aug. 3rd, 2010


Who: Hades/Dante, Hestia/Tessia, Hera/June (with the twins, Edward & Eric)
What: Daddy's Home
Where: Hestia and Hera's house
When: Immediately after the Heph/Hades scene.
Warnings: none so far. Thread Scene in Progress

Only what was behind this door of this grand house was his concern now. )

Summary: Dante needs to see his sons, by hell or high water (or by being driven by Hephaestus, whatever).

Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Erato and Freyr
What: Trouble in Paradise?
Where: Their home in Miami
When: 5/30 (backdated slightly)
Warnings: Fighting and mushiness?

You know, you would have saved yourself a lot of problems if you told me this more detailed version of this. )

Summary: After weeks of ignoring their obvious marital problems, Erato and Freyr finally clear the air.

May. 7th, 2010


Thread Scene

Who: Persephone and Hades
What: Last Minute Plans!
Where: Over the phone
When: 5/5 (backdated)
Warnings: None yet?

She pressed the speed dial for her fiance. )

Summary: Persephone loves to tell Hades the wrong things at exactly the worst time.

Apr. 14th, 2010


Who: Dante (solo-ish, with Julie and Children)
What: Break
Where: His office
When: Monday Morning, 4/5/2010. Not long after this scene with Cato
Warning: none

Please, please tell me ya didn’t buy that notebook, that mouse and then make me download that randomizing program only to play ‘Press yer luck’ with the stock market. )

Summary: Dante has learned the necessity of taking a break from a gloom and actually manages to do so as he plays with his children instead of working at his job. It’s good to be the boss.

Apr. 5th, 2010


Who: Val and Freyr
What: Domestic discussions
Where: Washington DC
When: After the battle with Subrosa
Warnings: none

I thought about you the whole helicopter ride back )

Summary: Freyr returns home to some bad news from his wife. Then he gives her some bad news of his own

Feb. 21st, 2010


Who: Hades (w/ Minthe, Delaney and Cerberus toward the end)
What: Dream
Where: A Dream in the Underword/His Home
When: Recent
Warnings: none

Us as all of us here below, not us as us. Though if you want to do that and finally be smart, getting rid of that... )

Summary: Hades has many reasons why he avoids sleeping: dreaming Minthe is telling him off is new to the list, but definitely one of them.

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Who: Hades & Delaney (solo-lite)
What: Sneaky Children/Sneaky Parent
Where: Their house
When: Recent
Warnings: None. Abbi=Dad (in Hebrew). It'll make sense in context.

Mama’s old so Daddy must be really old! )

Summary: Delaney finds a very pretty crown in her father's things and isn't sneaky enough to get it back to her room before Daddy sees. They chat.

Jan. 3rd, 2010


Who: Hades & Hestia (with their Twins)
What: Christmas dinner
Where: Her house
When: Christmas day, afternoon
Warnings: none

Open it up, it's your last holiday present )

Summary: Even though neither Hestia or Hades celebrate Christmas, Christmas fell on a Friday and that is the day of the week he has dinner with her. They disagree about Hades' feelings toward Zeus.

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