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May. 26th, 2011


Who: Shiri (solo)
What: It’s not the end of the world and someone doesn’t feel fine.
Where: In a park near her and Adam’s home
When: May 22, 2011. Early morning.
Warning: none

She dug her nails deep into the bare skin of his ankles to allow him to know exactly how ungrateful she thought he was being )

Summary: The day after the advertised but unfulfilled Judgment Day, Shiri decided to take a pleasant little stroll in the sunshine. When she reached the nearby park, she found man in the process of hanging himself due to his disappointment and the muse found the inspiration to save him.

May. 7th, 2011


Who: Cato & Shiri
What: A funny thing happened on the way from the bookstore
Where: In & Near the University of Miami Bookstore/Student Union
When: Early Afternoon, May 5, 2011
Warnings: None. Part 1

A sputtering sound temporarily took place of Cato’s usual grasp of the English language. )
Summary: Both Shiri and Cato had this great idea about going to the campus bookstore to sell back their books for a little cash money. Both Shiri and Cato decided that hanging out after they got said cash for a little bit would be a good idea. However, Shiri passing out in Cato’s arms wasn’t in the jointly decided plans.

May. 2nd, 2011


Who: Atlas (Natal) & Polyhymnia (Wisdom). Also, Freyra via text.
What: Sentimental vengeance.
Where: Shiri & Adam’s house
When: Just after Atlas’ scene with Freyra & Freyr
Warnings: None.

It is very good that you came to visit me today. )

Summary: Atlas stops by Polyhymnia’s house for a simple visit. However, by the time it is over, Polyhymnia has started down the road to closure for her past life and Atlas has grown as a person.

Apr. 11th, 2011


Who: Hera and Polyhymnia
What: Requests
Where: Hera and Hestia’s home
When: Day after Adam proposes (I think)
Warnings: None.

[Good goddess Hera Nympheuomene, I come to ask you for your blessing....] )

Summary: Shiri has a request of the goddess of marriage, and goes about making it in the most formal way she is able. That probably helped things.

Apr. 3rd, 2011


Who: Shiri and Cato
What: Sibling bonding amongst homework
Where: Cato's dorm room
When: BACKDATED to March 25th.
Warnings: None

Do me a favor? )

Summary: Shiri needs some help with a class assignment, and Cato could use some family company. It all works out!


Who: Adam & Shiri
What: Marriage Proposal
Where: Their house (mostly)
When: Monday, March 28, 2011
Warnings: None

Do not mention it even though he has forms he has to fill out or at least sign. That will break the romantic mood of the moment and probably make Vally cry from a distance.. )

Summary: Adam put Shiri on a scavenger hunt that eventually led her straight back home and directly into a question that she hadn’t expected but probably should have.

Feb. 3rd, 2011


Who: Alana, Shiri, Adam (Kinda), Freya and Atlas in texts
What: Running from the Cops
Where: A park, then Alana's
When: BACKDATED... We'll say Jan 27th
Warnings: Alana has a potty mouth? Texts from scene in comments.

Now, hopefully no one notices a body under your tarp... )

Summary: Alana's in the park when she's surprised by an albino looking for escape. She provides it, then demands answers, before Adam is 'called'.

Jan. 12th, 2011


Who: Adam, Shiri/Poly and Kathy (npc)
What: Christmas Morning Conversations
Where: NJ, Kathy's home
When: *Backdated* Christmas Morning
Warnings: Fluff? That's about it.

You might want to go Tuesday night. )

Summary: It's Christmas. So Shiri goes out to the churches, and comes back to cuddle with Adam. Then his mom gets up, they make breakfast, open gifts and chat over Adam's newest art showing.

Jan. 4th, 2011


Who: Shiri (solo)
What: The Snow Circle of Life
Where: Kathy Jenkin’s (Adam’s mother) back & front yard, NJ
When: January 3
Warning: none

After all, besides sex and alcohol, wanton violence against innocents that one was responsible for was a favorite, traditional means of distraction for the Greeks. )

Summary: The snow in New Jersey had begun to melt and Shiri decided that she was going to help the sunshine destroy her sculptures. Only afterward does she decide to make a new one.

Dec. 17th, 2010


Who: Adam and Shiri
What: 3 years...
Where: Home
When: BACKDATED Sunday, Dec 5th
Warning: Fluff?

She remembered. )

Summary: It's their 3rd anniversary, and Adam and Shiri make plans to recognize this.

Dec. 15th, 2010


Who: Shiri & Cato
What: Midterm Hell
Where: University of Miami
When: Backdated. Before Thanksgiving
Warnings: none

This could be adventure! Adventure that was probably helped along by the sugar and the caffeine in the muse's system. )

Summary: It was midterm season in the University of Miami and it was the first time Cato had to experience the utter joy of constant paper writing. Shiri found him in a computer cluster and promptly helped him play the “Not Studying Game”

Dec. 4th, 2010


Who: Shiri/Polyhymnia (solo)
What: Fun House Mirror of Time. You’ll see
When: Friday, December 3 (late-ish afternoon)/Late 13th Century
Where: University of Miami/Somewhere in Germany
Warnings: Sigh. Bold is flashback text. Assume they are speaking German in it.

Part of her was certain that she would have the ghost of her deceased Palestinian husband haunting her house and making her life very awkward if she left such ambiguities )

Summary: Polyhymnia intervenes in the assault of a Jewish man. Twice.

Oct. 31st, 2010


Who: Hephaestus & Polyhymnia
What: Laser tag / Papal maneuvering
Where: Jube Hotel, Florida / Papal Palace, Vatican City
When: Backdated. Same day as this scene & 1508
Warning: Historical Fiction. Assume Italian in the flashback

He knew exactly who he was to question the little man and his distant, fashionable god. )

Summary: In the present, Polyhymnia and Hephaestus spend a pleasant evening playing Laser Tag at the Jube Hotel with Alana. In the past, they wield words like daggers as they vie for control of one artist’s destiny.

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Who: Mel, Jules, Shiri, Adam
What: Gallery Revelations
Where: One of the gallery showings
When: Sat, Oct 23rd (today!)
Warnings: Emotions run high?

The general happy, content expression that had been on his face faded into guarded surprise when he saw an all too familiar albino woman peering back at him with her red eyes. )

Summary: Mel takes her shiny new muse toy Jules to Adam's gallery showing to show him off to her sister, Shiri. Only Shiri tells her that she's seen him before. Confrontation and identity reveals follow.


Who: Adam & Shiri
What: Happy Birthday Surprises
Where: Their House
When: Oct 23, Midmorning
Warnings: Fade out at end.

What are you excited over? )

Summary: Adam wakes up on his birthday and seeks out his girlfriend. Shiri gives him breakfast, then reveals just what she’s set up for his birthday.

Oct. 11th, 2010


Who: Adam & Shiri
What: Her “Birthday”
Where: On the Road to Disney World
When: Backdated a little. October 2, 2010
Warnings: none

Perhaps a lot of drugs would make the rest of the car ride fun but she really doubted Adam would be buying those for her or that they would find a stand for them.  )

Summary: Adam is taking Shiri to Disney World for her birthday but takes an exit to a little road side destination for a further birthday surprise for her (and to give her a break from driving in the car).

Sep. 21st, 2010


Who: Hades & Persephone & OPEN to relatives
What: Marriage #3
Where: The renovated wine cellars of the Biltmore Hotel & the gardens
When: September 22, 2010 - evening (forward dated)

The scene had been set for a beautiful wedding, if not unusual by normal tastes. )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Who: Alana and Shiri/Polyhymnia
What: Bugging the swearing female-Adam
Where: Jube hotel
When: Sometime recently (not Tuesday)
Warnings: Light swearing.

Girlfriend's? A pest? Never! )

Summary: Shiri comes to the hotel to bug Alana. Alana needs a break, then gives up on trying to work at all in favor of Wii, then laser tag.

Sep. 3rd, 2010


Who: Val (Narrative + OPEN to anyone who wants)
What: An accident
Where: Val's house
When: Friday, Sept 3
Warnings: Some unpleasant imagery?

Was it music? )

Summary: Val is doing busywork on her roof when she hears something odd and beautiful.

Aug. 11th, 2010


Who: Shiri/Polyhymnia & Adam (mostly)
What: By the way...
Where: Missouri connected to The Dreamscape connected to Miami
When: August 11, 2010, Morning
Warnings: None

‘[Are you in Miami?]’ If she was, a simple note on the fridge would have worked. )

Summary: Shiri was been whisked away in the middle of the night and when morning came, she only had one way to tell Adam where she was - via vision.

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