April 20th, 2013

[info]1inthechamber in [info]ofourowndevice

just can't let it go

Who: Lina and open!
When: Mid-late morning
Where: Outside, near the boundary

Despite indeed drinking herself stupid the previous night and waking up with a hangover from hell, Lina actually felt steadier. Thinking about her situation still occasionally brought up bouts of nausea, but they were short-lived and easily ignored next to the hangover itself. And now that she felt she could start to deal with whatever the hell was going on, she was determined to do exactly that, no matter how crappy she felt. At least the effects of last night's drinking were a familiar sort of discomfort.

Feeling it was the best place to start, Lina went investigating outside. She'd asked someone - a maintenance worker, she thought - how to know when she was getting close to the 'danger zone.' He had laughed and told her she'd feel it long before she got there, but to look for white rocks and flowers. Sure enough, if she walked out far enough, eventually Lina came to brief patches where desert sands gave way to bits of green, and flowers she had no name for. She would occasionally walk too close and feel waves of dizziness, or a general heavy sensation. Heavy eyes, heavy limbs, heavy heart... heavy everything. In those times she would scramble back, drink from her bottle of water, and wait for it to all pass. As long as she didn't press it and try to cross that invisible line, she could keep going.

The idea that there was a weak point in it somewhere was honestly laughable. If such a thing existed, someone would have found it by now. But Lina didn't have any other ideas, so she set out circling the hotel, testing the force every step of the way. She was halfway done when it all became too much, and she had to back off and plunk down on her butt in the grass. Lina breathed deeply and waited for it to pass again. Well, shit, she thought. She took another sip of water, already thinking she should have gone for a beer instead.