April 19th, 2013

[info]ourowndevice in [info]ofourowndevice


July 2nd, 2013.

Weather Report: No changes. It's summer in the desert, what do you expect?

Staff Briefings: None.

Daily Events: Apparently the activities director from hell survived yesterday, because ballroom dancing lessons are going on in the grand ballroom shortly after lunch. Otherwise, things are quiet - and perhaps that's a good thing. With so many check-ins over the last 48 hours, things are bound to be a little chaotic.

[info]becomesmyhome in [info]ofourowndevice

puppies with puppies

Who: Nisha and Jai
When: Afternoon
Where: Outside, near one of the pools

When Jai had come to the hotel, he had not come alone. He had brought his dog, Nan, with him, and she was perhaps a saving grace. The copper colored husky had adjusted quickly to their new life, and had adjusted to the heat with her summer coat coming in even lighter than usual. She didn't much like being left at the apartment on his shifts (in New York, she'd always gone to the park with him), but she got by, and Jai was good with her. First thing before and after every shift, he always took her out for a long walk so she could get her exercise. Jai was happy to say he no longer felt like he'd been punched in the face whenever he walked outside into the heat, but it was still a bit much for his liking. How Nan would cope with it had been one of his biggest concerns, and he saw now that it had been completely unnecessary. She was thriving.

He had left Nan a long lead on her leash as they started, but now as they began to skirt one of the pools he reigned her in slightly. Nan, as it turned out, enjoyed swimming, and she had not been even a little bit hesitant about jumping right into the water on one of their first days here. This wasn't so much a problem for Jai, but it seemed like the sort of thing certain members of staff would take issue with. Nan eyed the water and tugged slightly, bouncing in place as she barked up at Jai. It was as if she was saying, Come on, buddy, I won't tell if you don't.

[info]nightmanager in [info]ofourowndevice

You get me.

Who: Christian and Michael
When: Early morning
Where: Morning Star

Michael had been eating her meals in reverse for longer than she could remember. She supposed it wasn't particularly surprising - she'd been at the hotel for a long time, and most of that time she had been on a night shift. Oh sure, back in her front desk days she'd done filler shifts at all hours, but now she was a nocturnal animal. She'd wake up early in the evening and eventually have dinner before starting her shift, and after her shift she'd get breakfast and usually go crash. It was a good system. When she'd first started working night hours exclusively she'd tried eating breakfast at night and dinner in the morning, but eventually dismissed the idea entirely. She liked it better this way, and it was less work for the staff.

Maybe once a week Christian would join her for breakfast, and she was expecting him today. They'd had five check-ins in two days, and while it certainly wasn't a record, it was a lot. The last thing she'd done before signing off to the day manager was check her briefs, but she still had no warning of any new guests coming. That didn't mean there wouldn't be another check-in - stranger things had happened. Some people spent weeks or months leading up to their stay, but she had met those that seemed to have come in mere hours after their final turning point in the outside world. Those were always very interesting cases to Michael.

With a smile and a wave to those working in the restaurant, Michael breezed past them all and headed to her usual table. If they weren't busy she saw no reason to trouble whoever was playing host or hostess, and her table was free. Not that she particularly expected anyone to correct her, but it would have been amusing to see someone try. She smoothed the skirt of her simple black dress as she seated herself, and waited to see if Chrissy would show.