January 29th, 2010

[info]gamergeek in [info]oblivion_rp

Forced Family Bonding

Who: The Jones Boys (Grigory, Slav, Ios and Nik)
When: Lunch
Where: The Grand Buffet

The Jones boys, accompanied by their parents, had been forced into going to the Grand Buffet for some family dining experience. Too bad about ten minutes into sitting at the table with their plates, their father and mother started going at it like a couple of ten year old's fighting over a pack of pokémon cards. They eventually excused themselves and once out of the line of hearing him bitch, Gor shook his head. "This is s-shit." he said. "How d-do we end up having t-to stay at 'family' dinner when a t-third of the family just hauled a-ass?" he questioned.

He just didn't understand that. At all.

And you know what? Fuck the stutter. Just because people were around didn't mean he couldn't talk right, damn it. Brow furrowed, he silently cursed god for making him the Jones boy with the stutter. Why couldn't it have been Nik or something? It just wasn't fair. Like there wasn't enough fucked up shit in his life without being unable to speak on top of it all.

Oh well. At least you're the smartest.

[info]gotwhatyouwant in [info]oblivion_rp

Getting some drinkies.

Who: Ella and Chad
When: Evening, after dinner
Where: The Cult of Dionysus
Warning: NSFW

A little bit of Jack, a little bit of music and a whole hell of a lot of fine specimens of the female persuasion and you could bet that Chad was having a decent time. The room he'd been assigned was an obvious play for a good review and as far as he was concerned, the boat might just get one if they kept it up with all the freebies. It was a massive thing, the boat. Just about anything you could ask for was included. Theaters and clubs and bars and more food than a person could probably ever eat.

But that wasn't the point of the night for Chad. He'd think about the rating later, right now he was busy. Drink to his lips, his eyes flicked across the room as he leaned back against the bar and watched people traipse through, most already drunk and stumbling. He immediately wrote off those bitches. Drunk was one thing. So wasted they couldn't quite stand wasn't going to work for him. It was hard to fuck a girl who couldn't move around right. He'd just have to keep looking. Maybe someone would strike his fancy.

[info]things_unseen in [info]oblivion_rp

Getting settled in

Who: Finn and Helena
When: Mid-morning
Where: Helena's room

I can do it myself )