January 28th, 2010

[info]levons_mommy in [info]oblivion_rp

family time

Who: Jerome, Alexander, and Leto (and Levon!)
When: Mid morning
Where: Leto's room

Leto was willing to admit, she might have made a huge mistake.

Spending the previous day (being both Christmas and her son's third birthday) building sand castles on Miami beach, and now going on a boat, where her son was living in a bona fide Disney scene... yeah, big mistake. She was never gonna be able to do better than this. Every birthday from here on out would pale in comparison to the room with furniture that looked carved into the side of massive trees, with live plants and (fake) animals everywhere. Her room - the Enchanted Forest, as it said on the door - was Wonderland to little Levon. Decorate butterflies and birds hung from the branches on the ceiling, and Levon had spent the entire time Leto unpacked their things running around and screaming in delight.

It was going to be a long day. Once unpacked, she breathed a heavy sigh, and headed into the sitting room to collapse on the couch - and kick her feet up on the massive, tree-trunk coffee table. Her father's room was adjoining, and she'd given Alexander an extra keycard to her room to be used whenever he pleased. She expected them by any moment now, unless Levon's happy screams persuaded them to take a little detour. "Don't you want to see the rest of the boat, Levon?" she asked.

Levon looked up at her and blinked. "Are there am-imals?"

Leto grinned brightly. "I don't know. I don't think so, honey. I think you got the amimal room." With that answer, Levon went right back to chasing fake butterflies and playing with various decorations in the room. Oh yeah. She was never going to be able to get him off the ship again.

[info]oblivionnpcs in [info]oblivion_rp

let the festivities begin!

Who: Open to all
When: 7 PM
Where: Circean Delight

Even with all (or, most) of the passengers inside of Circean Delight, the grand restaurant managed not to look anywhere close to over-crowded - or even crowded at all. It was the height of luxury, with more than enough room for people to mingle between tables and not get in the way. After people found their tables and placed their dinner orders, a mature-looking gentleman in uniform took the stage. The stage itself was on the second level, but just by the rail, where it could be viewed by all on both floors. After introducing himself as Captain Theodore Hill, he heartily welcomed everyone to the Nausicaä's maiden voyage.

He proceeded tot ell a summarized version of the tale of The Odyssey, with much emphasis on Nausicaä's role as a saviour to Odysseus. Smiling, he closed the speech, "And so she told Odysseus, 'Never forget me, for I gave you life.' I hope to share with you all an experience you will never forget, and will cherish for the rest of your life." As the room applauded, Captain Hill stepped down to enjoy his meal at the captain's table.

[info]ex_army_of_o387 in [info]oblivion_rp

om noms

Who: Noah and Brodie
When: 10pm
Where: Cult of Dionysus

Noah spent most of the day relaxing in his room - which is exactly what it was made for. He had a zen room and it calmed his nerves almost instantly. He took a nap, munched on some fruit he ordered from room service and sat out on his balcony for much of the day. Once hearing of the Captain's speech, he decided to go to that and eat there before exploring the ship. After eating and rambling around for a while, Noah found himself at the Cult of Dionysus. He strolled up to the bar and ordered water with lime. Rolling his eyes at the bartender's sneer at his drink, Noah accepted his water and grabbed a high top table to listen to the house band. He tried not drinking because it interacted with his medication and the last thing Noah needed was for his medicine to not work properly and he have a massive flashback out of nowhere. So yeah, he was sticking to water for now.

[info]sexierthanyou in [info]oblivion_rp

Making the kitten purr.

Who: Jaz and Jakob
When: Evening
Where: E Deck, Cult of Dionysus and then Sing the Rage, Jakob's room
Warning: NSFW. Did you expect anything less?

the after party is better than the party )