Feb. 11th, 2010


I hate this boat

Who: Slav and Gor
When: Night, after the elevator incident
Where: The room they share

By the time he got out of the stupid elevator, Gor was ready to explode. He honestly surprised himself with even having the ability to coherently find his way back to his room, taking the stairs of course. Fuck elevators. If he never saw another one for the rest of his life, it would be too soon. Entering the room he shared with Slav, he slammed the door, pushed himself back against it and slid down to the ground. "I hate this s-s-stupid b-b-boat." he cried. Of course that was a total understatement. Hate wasn't strong enough a word for how he felt about the boat. About the elevators and about the girl and Crocodile Dundee. "I'm never riding in an el-el-elevator again."
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Feb. 5th, 2010


HATE in an elevator...

Who: Finn, Gor, and Abbie
When: 8:15pm on up
Where: An elevator. Of doom and hate.

Abbie was not pleased with not being allowed into 90s night for being too young. She was born in the 90s. They were kind of her thing. She should have been allowed on these grounds alone. She'd brought a Gwen Stefani costume and everything. But noooooo. Douchebags. So she was back to being Abbie, in dirty jeans and a dirty t-shirt (she couldn't remember how they'd become dirty, but it was not surprising), trying to find another way to amuse herself. So she had decided to head over to the arcade.

Or try.

Totally unmindful of her surroundings in the elevator, she hummed along with her MP3 player and bobbed her head. Until things went dark, and the elevator came to such a screeching halt that Abbie toppled right over - faceplanting right into the doors. "...buh?!"

Jan. 29th, 2010


Forced Family Bonding

Who: The Jones Boys (Grigory, Slav, Ios and Nik)
When: Lunch
Where: The Grand Buffet

The Jones boys, accompanied by their parents, had been forced into going to the Grand Buffet for some family dining experience. Too bad about ten minutes into sitting at the table with their plates, their father and mother started going at it like a couple of ten year old's fighting over a pack of pokémon cards. They eventually excused themselves and once out of the line of hearing him bitch, Gor shook his head. "This is s-shit." he said. "How d-do we end up having t-to stay at 'family' dinner when a t-third of the family just hauled a-ass?" he questioned.

He just didn't understand that. At all.

And you know what? Fuck the stutter. Just because people were around didn't mean he couldn't talk right, damn it. Brow furrowed, he silently cursed god for making him the Jones boy with the stutter. Why couldn't it have been Nik or something? It just wasn't fair. Like there wasn't enough fucked up shit in his life without being unable to speak on top of it all.

Oh well. At least you're the smartest.