May. 2nd, 2010


Hellava Party

Who: Nayan and Brodie
Where: Circean Delight
When: about 8:30
What: Tight pants and whips

Raiders of the Lost Ark and face melting was one of the best scarring memories of my childhood. )

Apr. 26th, 2010


Friendly Faces

Who: Nayan and Brodie
Where: one of the outer decks
When: about 9am
What: a first meeting

Nice to meet you, I could use the company. )

Mar. 3rd, 2010


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...not.

Who: Brodie and Eddie
When: afternoon
Where: Thalia's Diner

It was a quiet afternoon and Brodie was happily sitting at the diner nursing a vanilla milkshake. It was a really good shake, too, but as it often happened Brodie found himself lost in thought, which meant he'd momentarily forgotten about his shake and was busy thinking about...his birthday. Two days from now he was going to turn twenty-five, and he just didn't know whether to celebrate or not. On one hand, he hardly ever made a fuss about it, he wasn't that type of person. Brodie didn't like to pressure people into giving a shit about him having been born, although it was as good an occasion as any other. However, these were special circumstances; he was at sea, at a luxury cruise and with all the nice places around it was kind of a shame not to go all out. Or as out as Brodie would go, in any case.

He wondered if the other band mates even knew it was his birthday, or cared. Not that they should care, exactly, but he did wonder. Maybe if he told them they should meet up and have a drink - or ten - they wouldn't mind. He'd have to think some more about that.

Jan. 28th, 2010


om noms

Who: Noah and Brodie
When: 10pm
Where: Cult of Dionysus

Noah spent most of the day relaxing in his room - which is exactly what it was made for. He had a zen room and it calmed his nerves almost instantly. He took a nap, munched on some fruit he ordered from room service and sat out on his balcony for much of the day. Once hearing of the Captain's speech, he decided to go to that and eat there before exploring the ship. After eating and rambling around for a while, Noah found himself at the Cult of Dionysus. He strolled up to the bar and ordered water with lime. Rolling his eyes at the bartender's sneer at his drink, Noah accepted his water and grabbed a high top table to listen to the house band. He tried not drinking because it interacted with his medication and the last thing Noah needed was for his medicine to not work properly and he have a massive flashback out of nowhere. So yeah, he was sticking to water for now.

Jan. 26th, 2010


you say goodbye, and I say hello

Who: Lizzy and open
When: Early afternoon
Where: Gaia greenhouse

She had had 'Hello, Goodbye' stuck in her head all day. This was fine by Lizzy, of course, and she had been humming it the whole time she'd been exploring the ship - meaning, basically, since she'd arrived on board. As she drifted about the ship, leaning over railings on the upper decks and doing her best not to knock herself overboard, she occasionally had a little bit of a bounce and dance in her steps. You say why, and I say I don't know.

Lizzy curiously now found herself in the ship's greenhouse. She had grabbed a handful of brochures to take along with her and read over later. The entirety of her interest in planets really only consisted of "ohhh, pretty!", but at the very least it was something fun and new for her to learn about for now. As she made her way slowly through the greenhouse humming quietly to herself, she took long hard looks at the flowers, studying them and making mental notes of things - names and characteristics she'd love to look up later.