May 29th, 2010

[info]librarygirl in [info]oblivion_rp

She doesn't want to be here, but she is.

Who: Claire and OPEN
When: 10PM
Where: Circean Delight

With a glass of wine in one hand and the other crossed over her abdomen, Claire shifted her shoulders uncomfortably. Trust her sister to pick the strangest, most annoying costume ever, she had only one job and that was to pack her a respectable and Claire-esque costume. Instead she pulled out a dress in the Regency style, with long white gloves and simple white shoes. Of course, she didn't have to wear the thing or even go, considering she was merely staff but Claire was trying desperately to loosen up.

So far? No dice.

Standing near the bar she drained her glass and signalled for another. The only way Claire would ever loosen up, was with a considerable amount of alcohol and so she ordered her third glass. After her fourth she would move on to something a little harder but until then she'd stick with wine, of the white variety and sipped a little faster than usual.