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Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Calvin's for real birthday present(s).
When: Thursday, June 9
Rating: Low

Sitting on Calvin's bed.... )

Jun. 7th, 2011


Who: Rory and Gio
What: Birthday thanks text!
When: Friday, June 3rd; mid-morning (backdated)
Rating: Low

Inbox (1) )

Jun. 6th, 2011


Who: Makayla and Gio
What: Extremely late graduation present, since she kind of just heard about it
When: June 7, Tuesday (slightly forward-dated)

Congratulations )

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Who: Open to everyone.
What: Caterina Hensley’s memorial.
Where: Boston Convention Center
When: Saturday, June 4 (forward dated)
Rating: Low to medium.

Hundreds of fans, friends, and family gathered in Boston Convention Center to honor Caterina Hensley nearly a week after her tragic death. )


Who: Calvin, Gio, and OPEN to their friends. (If you’re not sure if your character would be there, IM or email Emily or Laura.)
What: The Calvin and Gio combined birthday gathering.
Where: Calvin’s house
When: Most of the day June 2 (Cal’s birthday) and into June 3 (Gio’s birthday).
Rating: Varying, but I doubt anything too high.

Calvin’s house had been open to visitors for most of the day. )

[ooc: You can tag your character in at any time of day on the 2nd or 3rd – just specify when the thread is taking place in the subject of your comment.]

May. 31st, 2011


Who: Amelia and Gio
What: Text
When: May 27, Friday (back-dated!)

(1) inbox )

Who: Amelia and Gio, and Mal
What: Text
When: May 31, Tuesday

(1) inbox )

May. 29th, 2011


Who: Caterina Hensley, Chris Wilde, and Francis Drake
What: The last few minutes of Caterina’s conscious life.
When: Sunday, May 29; late evening
Where: Behind a TV studio in Boston.
Rating: PG-13

Bid them farewell, Cordelia, though unkind:
Thou losest here, a better where to find. )

Who: Mal, Gio and Caterina Hensley
What: Video of body discovery.
When: Monday, May 30, 5:28 AM (forward dated)
Where: Old North Avenue swing bridge
Rating: R

'What are we supposed to do?' )

May. 28th, 2011


Who: Amelia and Gio, Mal and Gio
What: Texts about Calvin's birthday.
When: Saturday, May 28; morning
Rating: Low

Inbox (1) )

May. 26th, 2011


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Text!
When: This morning

(1) fish-related message )


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Calvin's life sucks
When: Saturday night, May 28th (frontdated)
Where: Some random alleyway. And then probably Calvin's house
Rating: Mediumish for mentions of violence and general injury, plus possible cursing

I can feel the night beginning,
Separate me from the living,
Understanding me
After all I've seen )

May. 24th, 2011


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Unsent texts
When: Right after this

(7) unsent messages )

May. 21st, 2011


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Fulfilling a promise
When: May 21st, early morning

This card was on the kitchen table next to a breakfast of orange juice and fresh banana bread )


Who: Rory and Gio
What: Totally backdated text/phone call
When: Wednesday the 18th, after this and before this

(3) unread messages )


Special Delivery

Who: Tessa & Gio
What: Special Delivery
When: Morning, Saturday, May 21

Early Morning Delivery )

May. 20th, 2011


Who: Amelia and Gio
What: Gio hears an interesting rumor and, for once, feels the need to spread it.
When: Friday, May 20; mid-afternoon
Rating: Medium-to-high depending on language

Inbox (1) )


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Gio hears an interesting rumor and, for once, feels the need to spread it.
When: Friday, May 20; mid-afternoon
Rating: Medium-to-high depending on language

Inbox (1) )

May. 19th, 2011


Who: Glory and Gio
What: Follow-up email
When: Tuesday, just after this

Subject: Ghost Hunting? )

May. 15th, 2011


Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Text
When: About 48 seconds after this

(1) unread message )


WHO: Mal and MASS TEXT to all her friends (but Cat).
WHAT: Mal has an awesome idea of how to spent a Thursday night.
WHEN: 05/15, afternoon.

(2) new messages )

WHO: Mal and Cat (I seem to remember us mentioning that they were friends, right, Kayley?).
WHAT: Informing Cat of her idea.
WHEN: 05/15, afternoon.

(1) new message )

May. 14th, 2011


Who: Mal and Gio
What: Birthday present!
When: Saturday, May 14 - Mal's birthday!

Wrapped, and left on top of Calvin's birthday box is.... )

May. 10th, 2011


Who: Amelia and Gio
What: Text to Amelia to set up a time when they can talk about John - and Frank.
When: Tuesday, May 10
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language/varied conversational topics?

Inbox (1) )


Who: Mal and Gio
What: Text to Mal to confess he talked to John.
When: Tuesday, May 10
Rating: PG to PG-13 for language/varied conversational topics?

Inbox (1) )

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