June 6th, 2011

[info]lightspeeder in [info]notionsic

Who: Toby and Evan
When: Monday, May 30 (following this) (backdated!)
What: Gifts for a drug induced comrade!
Where: Hospital, Boston

Flowers just don't cut it! )

[info]breatheonembers in [info]notionsic

Who:  Frank Ellis and Jude Kim
When:  June 6 - morning, early
What:  Operation Swahili

Rating: Medium/High (language)

Because nothing is ever easy, except for the sh*t you don't want in the first place. )

[info]walkingdrug in [info]notionsic

Who: Makayla and Gio
What: Extremely late graduation present, since she kind of just heard about it
When: June 7, Tuesday (slightly forward-dated)

Congratulations )

[info]eddiesetgo in [info]notionsic

Who: Eddie Botticelli & Galen Howard
When: Monday night, June 6
What: Drunken shenanigans
Where: Eddie's apartment
Rating: Medium for language

The 'Kings of Blubber' would be an awesome band name, right? )