May 26th, 2011

[info]thatsthespirit in [info]notionsic

Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Calvin's life sucks
When: Saturday night, May 28th (frontdated)
Where: Some random alleyway. And then probably Calvin's house
Rating: Mediumish for mentions of violence and general injury, plus possible cursing

I can feel the night beginning,
Separate me from the living,
Understanding me
After all I've seen )

[info]breatheonembers in [info]notionsic

Who: Frank Ellis and Wade Thatcher
When: May 26
What: Zippo or bust - Frank is hunting a lighter and finds a crime scene cleaner instead - so not the same thing.
Rating: Medium/high for language as always with Frank
Status In Progress

Be fast or be a speed bump! )

[info]thisisntreal in [info]notionsic

Who: Darien
What: Sisterly visits sure are a pain in the ass. He's not going crazy, really.
When: May 26, Thursday; Late evening
Where: Darien's penthouse
Rating: Medium for language
Status: Complete (solo)

You know, if you keep pushing yourself like this, you’ll be seeing more of me )

[info]__kaboom in [info]notionsic

Who: Amelia to Frank, and John
What: Present!
When: May 26, Thursday

What's that saying? Daughter like Father? )

[info]heeey_jude in [info]notionsic

Who: Jude and Nick
What: Dealing is a dangerous sport
When: May 26, Thursday; Let's say between 7-8pm
Where: The part of Boston where no one really likes to hang out
Rating: High due to language and violence
Status; Incomplete

A kick in the teeth is good for some. A kiss with a fist is better than none )

[info]thatsthespirit in [info]notionsic

Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Text!
When: This morning

(1) fish-related message )