May 15th, 2011

[info]movetheearth in [info]notionsic

WHO: Mal and MASS TEXT to all her friends (but Cat).
WHAT: Mal has an awesome idea of how to spent a Thursday night.
WHEN: 05/15, afternoon.

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WHO: Mal and Cat (I seem to remember us mentioning that they were friends, right, Kayley?).
WHAT: Informing Cat of her idea.
WHEN: 05/15, afternoon.

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[info]halfbred in [info]notionsic

Who: Rosa and Dominic
What: Dinner at the office
Where: Dominic's office
When: Friday, May 13th, a few hours after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

I'm so hungry, I'm so thirsty,
Give me sugar, give me wine
Give me passion, fame, and fortune
Mute my meddling mind )

[info]thatsthespirit in [info]notionsic

Who: Calvin and Gio
What: Text
When: About 48 seconds after this

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