April 27th, 2011

[info]veritas_ in [info]notionsic

Who: Peaches and Robert
What: A little breaking and entering
Where: City Morgue.
When: Late, around 11? April 27th
Status: In progress

Trespassers will be, uh, creeped out? )

[info]invisible_man in [info]notionsic

WHO: Elliot and OPEN
WHEN: April 28th, All Day
WHAT: Sale!
WHERE: Comicopia

50% off all regular used titles, 30% off all collector titles )

[info]immunities in [info]notionsic

WHO: John and Dominic
WHAT: Dominic has to take Alex to the surprise party Eisen planned and he wants to make sure John will be there.
WHEN: Thursday, April 28
RATING: Low, possible language.

Inbox (1) )