April 13th, 2011

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsic

WHO: John and Glory
WHAT: Bang bang; investigation talk.
WHERE: Shooting range.
WHEN: April 13th, evening.
RATING: Medium for swearing and rape/murder talk.
STATUS: In progress. Complete

John needed a drink. )

[info]breatheonembers in [info]notionsic

Who: Frank Ellis and (NPC) Nelly, the automotive AI
When: April 13
What: A trip into downtown Boston to see a lawyer.
Where: Various roadways along the way
Rating: PG-13 for language (Frank's usual favorite words)
Status: Complete (solo)

In which Frank takes on the world, one AI-enabled semi-sentient Nissan at a time... starting with his being ferried along with almost no actual driving necessary on the way to a lawyer's office in downtown Boston. )

[info]__kaboom in [info]notionsic

Who: Amelia and Frank
What: Secret text of secretness
When: While she is in class
Rating: Low?

(1) inbox )

[info]second_sighted in [info]notionsic

Who: Calvin and OPEN
What: Calvin hangs out at the coffee shop and is visited by...
When: April 13th, mid-afternoon
Where: Calvin's coffee shop
Rating: Probably low?

I wear your ring around my cup
I pour you down, I drink you up
When I'm running out of steam
I pray to you St. Caffeine )

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsic

WHO: John and Dom
WHAT: Working lunch.
WHERE: Dom's office.
WHEN: After this convo.
RATING: Low/Medium.
STATUS: In progress.

The neat balance of holding a file or phone in one hand and a sandwich, sub, burrito, pizza slice, fork or spoon in the other. )