March 11th, 2011

[info]sawarevolution in [info]notionsic

WHO: Sam and Rory
WHAT: Texts of curiosity, because Sam knows things. In reference to the non-date.
WHEN: Monday, during the delivery chain of cuteness. For the sake of not being conspicuous.

You have (1) nosy message! )

[info]sawarevolution in [info]notionsic

WHO: Sam and Gio
WHAT: Lunch and a paint war. XD
WHERE: “Sam’s uncle’s place.”
WHEN: Friday, lunchtime.
RATING: C for Cute. Also M for messy.
STATUS: In Progress.

Head like a hollow, head like a hole;
I sit here waiting and weighing these bones, oh these bones.
You're sleeping oblivious to the mess in this mind… )

[info]__kaboom in [info]notionsic

Who: Sam and Amelia
What: Giving a random gift
When: After classes

Left at her studio )

[info]bloodwilltell in [info]notionsic

WHO: Alex and Nick
WHAT: Laser tag!
WHEN: Friday evening, March 11th
WHERE: A... laser tag place
RATING: PG-13 maybe?

Four, three, two, one
When at the barrel of a gun
Keep my head way down,
Stay out I'll stay in.
Half dead, and half numb
She's enough to make me warm
It's all so safe and sound )