February 27th, 2011

[info]poweredbykisses in [info]notionsic

WHO: Felix and Wolf (and Molly!)
WHAT: Felix brings Wolf around his to see it and meet Molly.
WHEN: Sunday, February 27
RATING: PG-13 to be safe? Not sure.

It was afternoon, approaching evening when Wolf arrived at Felix's front door. )

[info]ijustknow in [info]notionsic

WHO: Eisen and Gio
WHAT: Eisen wakes up after sleeping in the lab.
WHERE: At the lab.
WHEN: Monday morning, February 28th.
STATUS: Incomplete.

I don’t remember if I really slept at all;
I might have been out building walls.
How can I stand and hold up this great wall?
And if it falls then I might blow away... )