February 21st, 2011

[info]_pianissimo in [info]notionsic

WHO: Christine and Francis
WHAT: Impromptu couch shopping...gone wrong
WHERE: Their respective places and then the furniture store?
WHEN: Wednesday, February 16th, Some time after school lets out for her
RATING: SA for socially awkward?
STATUS: Complete

Her phone rang, interrupting her playing )

[info]bloodwilltell in [info]notionsic

WHO: Alex and Dominic
WHAT: A booty call. And a conversation
WHEN: Sunday, February 13th, evening
WHERE: Dominic's house
RATING: PG-13 maybe?
STATUS: Complete

Something always brings me back to you/it never takes too long )

[info]atrayendo in [info]notionsic

WHO: Sasha
WHAT: She wants to do an experiment
WHERE: The crime lab...where they do ballistics stuff
WHEN: Monday, sometime in the early afternoon
RATING: PG for guns and bullets
STATUS: Complete / Solo

They were just running tests )

[info]prosperidad in [info]notionsic

WHO: Leti, Mal and Alex
WHAT: Girl talk
WHERE: Rosa Roja (Leti's Club)
WHEN: Sunday, February 20th, Night
RATING: PG-13 for possible cursing
STATUS: Incomplete

It seemed like some girl talk was in order )

[info]purestrength in [info]notionsic

WHO: Nick and Alex
WHAT: Spontaneous meetings... and spontaneous other things.
WHERE: Rosa Roja... to start.
WHEN: 02/20/2161, night.
STATUS: Incomplete.

Oh oh, I want some more
Oh oh, what are you waiting for
Take a bite of my heart tonight... )