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Posts Tagged: 'alexandra+udinov'

Jun. 23rd, 2015



You know, I do feel better knowing that we can't actually be killed while out there. Maimed appears to be another story though. Still, I wouldn't mind going exploring to see the dinosaurs.

Jun. 19th, 2015



Group expedition alert! If you want to come play in the jungle with some mad scientists and some dinos, meet us at the front gate around 5ish!

Jun. 5th, 2015



Private to Alexandra Udinov

Want to go grab a cup of coffee tomorrow morning and chat?

Jun. 2nd, 2015



I can't believe I've been here this long. Sometimes I still think I'll wake up back at home.

May. 26th, 2015



So I'm getting a lot of "aliens are real?" questions. Tell me I'm not the only alien in town. I'll get lonely.

May. 23rd, 2015



Are you free today? I thought we should start your post-1988 music education.

May. 22nd, 2015



I've never been so glad to wake up to a lack of music in the air. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate singing. I don't harbor some secret grudge against Christmas carolers or something. I just really need a break from people who are tone deaf expressing their inner secrets through song.

May. 21st, 2015



There's glory in the saddest story.

May. 19th, 2015




As Sheriff Wick shared, we're looking for volunteers for the Citizen's Watch, in particular those who would be willing to open their homes and apartments in the event of a crisis, like the monsters that happened earlier this month. It's my hope that we'll be able to organize more formally before the next crisis that's a touch more serious than simply singing personally relevant songs.

May. 12th, 2015




Anyone up for sparring? I could use a change of pace.

[Private: Natasha | Clint]

You've been quiet. If you're not avoiding me, want to be my date to Tony and Pepper's wedding?

[Private: Natasha | Barnes]

My roommate moved somewhere else so if you need a break? You're welcome to the place.

May. 6th, 2015



Some advice from a blind guy: Don't go outside unless you're armed, trained to fight, and prepared to kill to survive. There is nothing out there you need if you aren't all of those things. If you have needs and do not have all of those things? Please ask for help. Someone will help you. Help always comes to those who ask for it.

May. 5th, 2015



I'd have liked a little more peace and quiet. I am admittedly happy for what I got though.



I think I preferred the hand.

May. 3rd, 2015


I don't want to alarm anyone, but there's some strange black thing that appeared outside in the middle of the city.

May. 2nd, 2015



Well this is new.  Are we technically still on Earth? Pretty sure someone's gonna try something if I'm not



I didn't sleep well at all last night, not that it's anything new.



This thing says it's 2015. It doesn't look like any 2015 I know. Where is Test City located? What state?

Apr. 25th, 2015



Sam's gone. If I drank, I'd be hitting up the bar right now. I guess it's a good thing I'm used to being on my own.



Weekends are usually relaxing. Why do you think I was hearing so many sirens outside the apartments today?

Apr. 15th, 2015



Voice Post

Hello, this is a little awkward to ask, but would someone mind helping escort a blind guy around? I'm apparently here to serve as a defense attorney the same as at home and my client is due in court tomorrow. I just don't know where court is---or my client for that matter. I just got here. Help a guy out?