notebook network
Network community for notebook.
Layout credit [info]lobelia

Layout By

Jun. 1st, 2015



This place is hilarious. Barista? I don't think I've ever had a job in my life.  Whoever's running the Cafe? Not of This World Cafe? Sorry in advance.



Voice post

Test City? I've been through enough tests already! I can barely type on this stupid device. stupid clunky metal glove things. Why didn't I have one of my subjects make me a better pair?

It's nice of them to give me an apartment, but I'm not sure I'll be able to really live in it. Not unless I buy some tin foil.



I am most honored to have been given an acceptance to my application at Test City Mall where I will now be serving as a guard alongside Paul Blart.



So far? June seems to be keeping itself calm. I have to say. I'm a little disappointed.



I do not suggest dropping into a new place with an ace bandage holding your guts in. That was the worst entrance anywhere in my life. Patched up and booked it out as soon as possible I hate hospitals.. Exciting entrances aside, they said this place was called Test City? Where the hell am I? Never heard of Test City.




Private to Anna

Are you free tomorrow?




Fairy Godmother? Oh, where am I now? This is all so strange. I think I'm going to explore!

May. 31st, 2015



Am I ever getting out of here?

May. 30th, 2015



So many books here, all around! I dare say that this place is quite a find. To think that they would let me work here, how delightful. It has been ages since I found myself in a library, and now I have the chance to spend hours sifting through this wealth of knowledge. Plus apparently I can shush people too...this is indeed a very good day!



I do not object to the idea of a town full of test subjects, per se. But I find the research methodology of this experiment highly suspect at best.

We have no sense of what the test are for. No apparent control group. Consent, informed or otherwise, was never given, much less freely. Who is organizing this research?



What have you been up to?



Anyone know of anyplace in town might be in need of an old mechanic?



People need to learn that the check engine light? There's a reason its there. On the other hand, don't get mad if I laugh at you for not screwing on your gas tank cap tight enough causing it to turn on.



How many people are prepared for next month? I still can't believe it's been so long. Time flies during an abduction.

May. 29th, 2015



Package Sent to the home of Death, Charlie and Liv

[Left on their porch is a plain white box, inside is a cake and attached on the outside is a note.]

Dear Death, Charlie, and Liv,

I'm terribly sorry I did not send this earlier, but you three know how crazy this month has been. I hope that your new home is filled with happiness, hope and laughter.

Queen Elsa

May. 28th, 2015



Am I the only one who gets nervous when it's quiet around here?

May. 26th, 2015



Would someone be so kind as to point me in the direction of a clothing store?



I am adjusting to this place and it's interesting events. It could be worse. Now, I suppose, it is time to figure out what I can do here. I am not entirely sure what my skills allow for here.



So I'm getting a lot of "aliens are real?" questions. Tell me I'm not the only alien in town. I'll get lonely.

May. 25th, 2015



Just as a heads up, it's Ladies Night on Wednesday. Drinks will be half price for you lovely ladies of Test City all night.