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May. 18th, 2009


FIC One-sided Convenience

Title: One-sided convenience
Author/Artist: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII, Cetra restoration AU
Pairing/characters: Elena and Brangwen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, unless you have a pregnancy squick
Prompt/challenge you're answering: 2 and 6 are in a marriage of convenience

“I don’t understand why you agreed to become Cloud’s spouse, I know it’s just a marriage of convenience; all the household knows that, even if you’ve succeeded in passing it off as a love match to outsiders. Only, I can see what Cloud gets out of it; a spouse who can give him heirs, reduce his political entanglements, and won’t abuse Sephiroth. But...what do you get out of it?” )


A Momentary Lapse (Vampire Knight/Persona 3, Kaname/Mitsuru)

Title: A Momentary Lapse
Author/Artist: [info]moontyger
Fandoms: Vampire Knight/Persona 3
Pairing/characters: Kaname Kuran/Mitsuru Kirijo
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: vampirism, I suppose
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Mitsuru is bound and blinded -- does Kaname try to help, or take advantage of the situation?

Read more... )


Fic: Thought of Invitation (Final Fantasy Seven, Yuffie/Reeve)

Title: Thought of Invitation
Author/Artist: [info]skeren
Fandom: Final Fantasy Seven
Pairing/characters: Yuffie/Reeve
Rating: R
Wordcount: 713
Warnings: None (no actual sex)
Prompt/challenge you're answering: 8 and 1: double penetration

She definitely got his attention )


Beloved (Vampire Knight/Loveless, Kaname/Soubi)

Title: Beloved
Author/Artist: [info]moontyger
Fandoms: Vampire Knight/Loveless
Pairing/characters: Kaname Kuran/Soubi Agatsuma
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: surprisingly, I don't think there are any
Prompt/challenge you're answering: body worship/fetishizing a body part

Read more... )


Something like the iMax [FFXII:OGC/Marvel] [Ffamran, Archangel]

Title: Something like the iMax
Author/Artist: manic_intent
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII: OGC/Marvel
Pairing/characters: Ffamran, Archangel and others
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None.  No porn, sadly, more of a silly setup post.
Prompt/challenge you're answering:
double penetration.



Hi Everyone,

The May/June round is now open for posting! 

Please include as a minimum in each post, the following headers:
Warnings: [if necessary; please warn for character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con at a minimum -- otherwise use your discretion]
Prompt/challenge you're answering:

Tagging policies: the mods will create new tags as they're needed, but you can add tags to your pieces if they're already in the tag list and you're encouraged to do so. Each piece will get a tag for its fandom, its pairing, its author/artist, and the challenge round that it answers.

Have fun!

~ Nyx

May. 15th, 2009


mod hat: dreamwidth 0tp mirror community

Hi Everyone,

As you may be aware, there has been somewhat of a shift towards Dreamwidth.  While No True Pair has not moved to Dreamwidth, Dreamwidth does now host a No True Pair mirror community. 

For those members who haved moved to Dreamwidth and for those who are staying with IJ, please feel free post your fanfiction in either location, or even in both.   No True Pair will continue to be run in both locations as a mirrored community for as long as interest remains high, with both Dreamwidth and Insanejournal communities being moderated, tagged and managed, all rounds run simultaneously. 

At the end of each four week round, the mods will put together a masterlist linking to all the fiction posted, regardless of IJ or DW location.

If anyone has any questions regarding the 0TP mirror community, please feel free to comment below. 

I hope everyone has a good weekend, and I look forward to opening up this round on Monday.  :)

~ Nyx

Apr. 28th, 2009


May/June 2009 Discussion Post

Alrighty everyone, I'm hearing some excitement happening, and so: discussion post time!

Come comment here with all the prompts that inspire your glee (or even the ones that inspire your WTF face) for community enthusiasm, encouragement or ideas! Remember, not every prompt has to be written for, so if there's only some that really get you going, let us know which ones. \o\ \o/ /o/

And I'll be restraining myself from doing the same for another six hours, at least, thanks to being at work, but have fun everyone. :)


No True Pair May/June Prompt List!

Thanks to [info]karanguni  , [info]laylah  , and eliade's list of kinks for assistance with compiling these prompts. Any questions, please feel free to comment here. As per last round, there will be another post for us all to get excited about some of the opportunities generated. I'm excited already. :D

The guidelines:
- pay no attention to pairing order in the prompts. If you get something more interesting by flipping the roles around, please feel free!
- liberal interpretations of the prompts are highly welcomed. :)
- the numbers in the prompt list have been stripped except for the character numbers themselves. You can copy and paste the list into your word processor, and then find/replace to put your characters' names in to the right spots.


And now, the prompts. )


Apr. 22nd, 2009


No True Pair May/June Sign-ups!

Officially opening the May/June No True Pair Round Three.

Way to go me for forgetting it was April until it was nearly tooooo laaaaaate. *facepalm*

The prompt list will be posted on April 27, with four weeks before posting starts, and the theme of this round is KINKS!

Comment here with your numbered list of eight characters for the May/June round of No True Pair. As per previous rounds, your list can contain characters from different fandoms and you may use your original characters. Yes, you may make more than one list if you want to. Yes, every character in your list will have a prompt with every other one....And no, signing up does not obligate you to complete any fic/art.  \o/

Let's make this a brilliant round, everyone. ^.^

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