April 2013




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Apr. 21st, 2013


Flowers for my Favorite (Hunger Games/Suikoden series, Sasarai & Mags)

Title: Flowers for my Favorite
Artist: [info]catdevigri
Fandom: crossover - Suikoden series/The Hunger Games
Pairing/characters: Sasarai & (a young) Mags
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Sasarai & Mags, a rose in your hair
unrelated comment: yikes, I see I posted my last prompt fill for this community a year ago yesterday. :/ Not very productive, self!
For you! )

Mar. 31st, 2013


Posting begins on April 1st!

...whenever that time hits in your area (but don't worry, I won't be checking or anything, so if you're ready to get posting a little early...) ;)

As a reminder, here's the posting format:

Please include as a minimum in each post, the following headers:
Warnings: [character death, rape/non-con, and shota/chan/loli-con, or otherwise at your choice (if you want to entice us with your "warnings," I won't have a problem with that either)]
Prompt/challenge you're answering:

And the standard subject line is something like: Title (Fandom(s), Pairing), but please proceed as you see fit.

Tagging policies: Each piece will get a tag for its fandom(s), author/artist, pairing, and the challenge round that it answers.

I'll create new tags as they're needed -- feel free to add tags to your pieces if they're already in the tag list. That usually includes your author tag, and the '! 2013 spring 8 character challenge' tag. Otherwise, I'll be happy to handle them myself.

(and, for the record, since I recently talked to someone about it, the pairing tags are simplified to "so-and-so/such-and-such" just for convenience- any romantic or non-romantic combination of the two characters specified by the prompt is fine)

Once again, best of luck to everyone, and I hope we see a lot of excellent stories/art!

Mar. 4th, 2013


Prompts for Round 11!

How's everyone doing this morning?

As usual, the only numbers are in the appropriate locations in the prompts (though I have been known to screw this up before...), so you should be able to just find and replace them on your word processor of choice.

And here they are! )

So? Did you get something wonderfully hilarious, brain-breaking, or inspiring that you'd like to share? Feel free to chat and mention some of your favorites here!

And if you still want to sign up, just head on over to the sign-up post and make your lists. If you already peeked at the prompts though, don't cheat! ^^; Tell me you signed up late and I'll mix the numbers up into a new order to keep things randomized for you.

Posting starts April 1st! Good luck and have fun!

Feb. 18th, 2013


Round Eleven Sign-Ups!

The first rule of No True Pair is: have fun!
The second rule of No True Pair is: talk about No True Pair
(The third rule of No True Pair is also: talk about No True Pair- just in case you were wondering)

0TP Round Eleven is officially open for sign-ups!


Comment here with your numbered list of eight characters for the Spring 2013 round of No True Pair. As per previous rounds:

- your list can contain characters from one fandom or different fandoms
- you may use your original characters
- you may have more than one list (as many as you like)
- you can also use less than eight characters -- simply repeat the same characters until you have a name next to every number
- every character in your list will have a prompt with every other one.

This is a low pressure challenge. Signing up does not obligate you to complete any fic/art.

I do hope that you will participate and I encourage you to invite your friends!!

(I will be out this evening and away from the internet most, if not all, of tomorrow, so comments/answers to inquiries may be a bit delayed, but nevertheless, don't fret! I'm looking forward to being excited over this with all of you, as usual!)