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Jul. 5th, 2008


Baccano!/Ocean's 11: Making Family (Claire, Danny)

Title: Making Family
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Baccano!/Ocean's 11
Characters: Claire, Danny
Rating: PG
Prompt: Danny and Claire, hurt/comfort of any sort
Warnings: Um, hooray creative prompt interpretation? There's slash. But only if you sort of turn your head sideways and squint.
Summary: Danny doesn't want to have kids; Claire would kill to have some. It doesn't take too long before Danny realises, maybe this kid isn't so bad after all --

1528 words and really bad recruiting skills.

Not there was anything to make easier, because Danny wasn't doing this, because if Danny did do it Rusty would have a -- )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Baccano!/FFVII: A Tale of Two Turks (Tseng, Luck)

So... no one said I couldn't write Epic Poetry (TM) for 0TP, right?

Title: A Tale of Two Turks
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Baccano!/Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Luck and Tseng
Rating: PG13
Prompt: * Tseng and Luck as the main characters in a fairy tale.
Warnings: Crack, anachronisms and rhyming couplets. Think old school Will Smith rap while you read. Yes. Yes.
Summary: Tseng and Luck in a quest for Shinra and the Greater Good.

666 (-111) words and god I am going to hell. I have no excuse, except that maybe I have an exam in 9 hours ahksafjlsf.

[edit] Now with more accurate rhyming metre!

A fairy tale in 15 stanzas. )

Jun. 13th, 2008


Baccano!/Ocean's 11: When The World Ends (Claire, cast)

Title: When The World Ends
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Baccano!/Ocean's 11
Characters: Claire; Rusty, Luck, Danny and Linus cameos
Rating: PG
Prompt: * Rusty and Claire: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
Warnings: Genfic is the way to go, because I fail at plot and all that other cool stuff. D:
Summary: Playing poker until Armageddon.

2192 words and the epic failure of plot!sense. \o/

Time for an old man to get to bed. )


FFVII/FMA: Go Fetch (Zack, Hawkeye)

Title: Go Fetch
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Fullmetal Alchemist
Characters: Zack, Hawkeye, Cloud and Black Hayate cameos
Rating: G
Warnings: Characters == dogs, y/y?
Prompt: Hawkeye and Zack play a game or sport together.
Summary: Woof, woof.

927 words. This is my sad attempt at breaking writer's block. Mmmm, short, random fic go! \o/

'Woof,' the dog said to Zack. )

Jun. 8th, 2008


Baccano!/Final Fantasy VII: New Men (Luck/Rufus/Tseng)

Title: New Men
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Baccano!/Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Luck/Rufus/Tseng
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Uh, AU? Sex? Luck as a Turk? 8D
Prompt: Luck/Rufus, in a threesome with any other character from your list
Summary: It's a new age when men are unafraid of being exactly what they are; Luck envies them enough to put on the suit and call himself Shinra. (2822 words.)

Luck knows he's already waited more than enough lifetimes to be what they are. )


Final Fantasy VII: Crossed Out (Tseng, Zack)

Title: Crossed Out
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core, especially)
Characters: Zack, Tseng
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Hello, major spoilers and alternate ending AU!
Prompt: Zack/Tseng, captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc)
Summary: The Turks found Zack; perhaps it would've been better that the Army'd killed him where he'd stood.

1269 words of gen written in a crazed post-exam, post-jetlag haze, flailing in just under the deadline! \o/

It doesn't matter what has happened; that can always be crossed out. )