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Jun. 30th, 2008


Art: WWI AU - Make Yourself Comfortable (Discworld/Lord of the Rings)

Title: WWI AU - Make Yourself Comfortable
Artist: Hyel
Fandom: Discworld/Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Samwise and Maladict
Rating: G
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Samwise and Maladict: "Go on, make yourself comfortable."
Note: This is AU to both original universes - I made them into a WW1 British tommy and an officer. What? :D I don't know where that came from, but I'll probably be making more drawings with the same idea. Yay for the challenge extension!


Jun. 25th, 2008


Art: Riding Out the Storm (Discworld/LotR)

Title: Riding Out the Storm
Artist: Hyel
Fandom: Discworld/Lord of the Rings
Characters: Annagramma Hawkin and Gríma Wormtongue
Rating: G
Warnings: cackling
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Annagramma and Gríma with the title 'Riding Out the Storm'.

This is so Shakespearean. )


Art: Deathgirl and Magnifiboy (Discworld/Lord of the Rings)

Title: Deathgirl and Magnifiboy
Artist: Hyel
Fandom: Discworld/Lord of the Rings
Characters: Susan Sto Helit and Merry Brandybuck
Rating: G
Warnings: dorkiness
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Susan and Merry - they fight crime!

I would have called him Wonderhobbit but I think that's Frodo's title. )

Jun. 8th, 2008


Fic: In Which the Shire Entertains A Passing Traveler (Lord of the Rings/Discworld)

Title: In Which the Shire Entertains A Passing Traveler
Author: Hyel
Fandom: Crossover: Lord of the Rings/Discworld
Pairing/characters: Rosie Cotton and Twoflower
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, really.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Twoflower and Rosie: it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
Notes: Since I will have these kinds of crossovers where the characters come from completely different worlds, I'm going to have two kinds of crossovers: 1. genuine crossovers, where one character is plopped into the world of the other, 2. the kind where one character, more or less the same, has always lived in the other character's world. This is of the first type. Thank goodness that Discworld had the canonical L-Space...

Mistress Rose Gamgee found the young man at the back of the library of the Great Smials, sleeping against a stack of books. )