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May. 24th, 2009


The Honest Kind of Present (Bleach/Kingdom Hearts)

Author: [info]quietncryptic
Title: The Honest Kind of Present
Fandom: Bleach/Kingdom Hearts
Pairings/Characters: Yoruichi/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: innuendo, teasing, nakedness
Prompt: Leon is bound and blinded -- does Yoruichi try to help, or take advantage of the situation?

Read more... )

May. 23rd, 2009


Fear of the Dark [Sandman/Honey and Clover, Death/Ayu]

Title: Fear of the Dark
Author: [info]moontyger
Fandoms: Sandman/Honey and Clover
Pairing/characters: Death/Ayumi Yamada
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: not really any
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Ayu and Death are captives that turn to each other for comfort

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May. 21st, 2009


"Mirror" (Tales of the Abyss, Luke and Asch)

Title: Mirror
Author: Cephy
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Pairing/Characters: Luke and Asch
Rating: R
Warnings: Spoilers if you don't know who Asch is.
Prompt: Luke and Asch: body worship/fetishizing a body part. (...does it count if it's more like fetishizing the entire body?)

He wasn't sure how it had come to this. )

This entry was originally posted at http://cephy.dreamwidth.org/86557.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


Unreal [Xenosaga, Shion/Canaan]

Title: Unreal
Author: [info]moontyger
Fandom: Xenosaga
Pairing/characters: Shion/Canaan
Rating: R
Warnings: making out, angst
Prompt/challenge you're answering: body worship/fetishizing a body part

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May. 20th, 2009


doctor doctor [ff7/ff9, lucrecia/beatrix]

Crossover: FF7/FF9
Author: ellnyx
Title: Doctor Doctor
Pairing: Lucrecia/Beatrix
Prompt: body worship/fetishizing a body part
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Gore.
Word Count: 2000


Lucrecia held down the comm button with a single finger, regarded the chip in her nail polish with an abstract dismay, and called for a fresh coffee to be sent through along with this Beatrix: she who would be as a living god. )



Want, Take, Have (Sun Sword/Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Auralis/Ike)

Title: Want, Take, Have
Author: [info]moontyger
Fandoms: the Sun Sword series/Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Pairing/characters: Auralis/Ike
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: sex, slash, language
Prompt/challenge you're answering: body worship/fetishizing a body part
Author's Note: This is probably really a part 1. It really wanted to be longer (and pornier) than I had time for if I intended to finish other fics for this. I may or may not post later parts here, if I get to writing them, but this should stand on its own as well.

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May. 19th, 2009


Negotiation (Final Fantasy VII/Fire Emblem)

Author: [info]quietncryptic
Title: Negotiation
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Fire Emblem
Pairings/Characters: Lethe/laguz!Zack/Ranulf
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Innuedo
Prompt: Lethe and Zack: double penetration
Note: I have a feeling this won't be the last I see of laguz!Zack...*sighs*

Would you really deny the poor kid?  )


Away From Calamity (FFVII: Sephiroth/Vincent)

Title: Away From Calamity
Author: [info]skeren
Fandom: Final Fantasy Seven
Pairing/characters: Sepiroth/Vincent
Rating: G
Word Count: 1906
Warnings: Slash?
Note: To all those daddy Vin fans, he's not in this one.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: 2 and 6 are in a marriage of convenience

First he found a contract. )


illused [ffxii, cidolphus/fran]

Fandom: FFXII
Author: ellnyx
Title: Ill-Used
Pairing: Cidolphus/Fran
Prompt: Fran spanks/disciplines Dr Cid during sex.
Warning: Prompt!
Rating: M to NC-17
Wordcount: 4000
Other: part of this timeline
Summary: Fran tries many careers in her lifetime. 'Archadian Dominatrix' was not the best of them.


'Any gentleman even remotely enthused would rise to greet his guest, yet you continue to misuse your buttocks for the purpose of sitting.' )



The true face of God (Final Fantasy VII, Tifa/Zack)

Title: The true face of God
Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/characters: Tifa/Zack
Rating: M
Warnings: Exposed chest
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Tifa and Zack: body worship/fetishizing a bodypart

The true face of God )

May. 18th, 2009


Worth Having 「Gundam 00; Regene/Anew」

Title: Worth Having
Author: [info]takerzmuse
Rated: R
Warnings: Hetero not-really-romance. Groping and talk of a sexual nature. What could be considered OOC Anew, since I didn’t go into the backstory of why I think she acts this way. (Let’s just say that being away from the Skittles Squad does wonders for her once her mission begins.)
Fandom: Gundam 00
Prompt: Regene Regetta and Anew Returner: body worship/fetishizing a body part
Spoilers: Up to 02x20, Anew Returner. At least, for the outing of Anew’s origins (not that it wasn’t already glaringly obvious), as this is set before her “recruitment” into Celestial Being.
Pairings/Characters: Regene Regetta x Anew Returner, implied Revive Revival x Hilling Care and Anew Returner + Revive Revival.
Summary: Anew was Revive’s, thus fair game as far as Regene was concerned. And it didn’t hurt that she had better breasts than Hilling could ever hope to bribe Ribbons for.
Author's Notes: This was supposed to be pervy crack about Regene fawning over Anew’s breasts, as she’s really the only Innovator with a rack; what with Hilling being the epitome of DFC, and all. But this somehow turned out less cracky, and a bit more Regene-style mindfuckery. Orz.
Disclaimer: All things Gundam 00 belong to Sunrise and Bandai, with major props to Kouga Yun-sensei for the beautiful character designs. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

Anew frowned at Regene’s touch. “You know Revive doesn’t like you doing such things to me.” )


Something New 「Gundam 00; Tieria/Hilling」

Title: Something New
Author: [info]takerzmuse
Rated: R(-ish? Probably overrating, as always, but best to be safe.)
Warnings: Het, not-exactly-romantic, AU thing. Fly-by mention of Tieria’s not-quite-heterosexuality. Crack. Or maybe not. (It’s hard to tell when you mix these two.) Nudity and sexual overtones, but nothing really graphic. Mention of canonical crossdressing.
Fandom: Gundam 00
Prompt: Hilling Care and Tieria Erde are in a marriage of convenience
Spoilers: Up to 02x20, Anew Returner. Sort of. The crew knows of Anew’s past, but she’s still with them.
Pairings/Characters: Tieria Erde x Hilling Care
Summary: Theirs is not a marriage that would eventually lead to love. They’d be lucky to consummate it without killing one another first.
Author's Notes: WHAT IS THIS I DON’T EVEN- Tieria with actual boy parts? What kind of fuckery is this? *sighs* This pairing amuses me, if for no other reason than that I prefer Tieria with Hilling’s “brother,” Ribbons. And there’s so much backstory here that I ignored in favor of snark. Like just why exactly there has to be a wedding. Truth be told, part of the idea came from a wedding prompt on the S2 Kink Meme.
Disclaimer: All things Gundam 00 belong to Sunrise and Bandai, with major props to Kouga Yun-sensei for the beautiful character designs. Grassy only lays claim to the plot.

“And really! Why did *I* have to be the bride? History *proves* that I look better in a tux and you a dress. So~ humiliating…” )


"By Any Other Name" (Tales of the Abyss, Asch/Guy)

Title: By Any Other Name
Author: Cephy
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Pairing/Characters: Asch, Guy. Luke also crept into the background, as usual.
Rating: R
Warnings: The prompt kinda says it all.
Prompt: Guy is bound and blinded -- does Asch try to help, or take advantage of the situation?

It's obvious that Guy heard him coming. )

This entry was originally posted at http://cephy.dreamwidth.org/86104.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


Wildcard: Of Fortune, Fate and Freedom [FFVI / FFXII - Setzer/Vaan]

Title: Wildcard: Of Fortune, Fate and Freedom
Author: tipsybluetips
Fandom: Final Fantasy VI / Final Fantasy XII
Pairing/characters: Setzer/Vaan, FFXII party mentioned.
Rating: M
Warnings: Casual sex / sex in public places.
Prompt: Sex within a time limit
A/N: Zodiac Three-Folds is a half-formed idea of a game - don't pay it much heed.

Isn't every fortune a game in itself? )


It's Dark (Original: Navigator, Yu/Marta)

Title: It's Dark
Author: [info]catdevigri
Fandom: Original (Navigator)
Pairing/characters: Yu Yamamoto/Marta Duay
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None really.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Marta and Yu are captives that turn to each other for comfort
Not such a lonely imprisonment. )

May. 19th, 2009


Lessons [FFXII:OGC/Marvel: Wolverine x Vayne]

Title: Lessons
Author/Artist: manic_intent
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII: OGC/Marvel
Pairing/characters: Wolverine x Vayne
Rating: R
Warnings: Some violence. 
Prompt/challenge you're answering:
X disciplines/spanks Y during sex.

Lessons )

May. 18th, 2009


Advantage (discworld, Madam/Nobby)

Title: Advantage
Author: [info]roruna
Fandom: discworld
Pairing/characters: Madam/Nobby
Rating: PG
Warnings: Night Watch spoilers.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Madam is bound and blinded -- does Nobby try to help, or take advantage of the situation?

Advantage )


Needful Things (Sun Sword, Auralis/Kiriel)

Title: Needful Things
Author: [info]moontyger
Fandom: the Sun Sword series
Pairings/Characters: Auralis a'Kalakar/Kiriel di'Ashaf
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex, but little detail
Prompt: sex within a time limit (before discovery/fuck or die)

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Duty Calls (Fire Emblem, Edward/Leonardo)

Title: Duty Calls
Author: [info]quietncryptic
Fandom: Fire Emblem
Pairings/Characters: Edward/Leonardo
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Edward and Leonardo are in a marriage of convenience
Warnings: (I suppose it counts as crossdressing)

Bite your tongue before I remove it with your own blade.  )


How the Other Side Lives

Title: How the Other Side Lives
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: G
Warnings: innuendo
Word count: 1,529
Prompt: Cat and Sephiroth are in a marriage of convenience
A/N: This is where I put FF VII and DMC into a blender and hit frappé... without the lid on. ;-)

How the Other Side Lives )

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