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Mar. 29th, 2009


A Hope in Hell (pt 4) [Final Fantasy 7/The King and the Clown: Angeal & Gong-gil]

Title: A Hope in Hell
Fandom: FF7/The King and the Clown
Status: 4/6
Word Count: 7500ish
Rating: R (themes, hints of canon m/m from The King and the Clown)
Prompt: Angeal and Gong-gil with the title "A Hope in Hell"
A\N: ...I had no idea part 3 was as long as it was. Oh my. So the second half became part 4, and, um, if this had to be split, the last part will have to be, too. *headdesk* The word count on part 3 is for both three and this combined.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four )


A Hope in Hell (pt 3) [Final Fantasy 7/The King and the Clown: Angeal & Gong-gil]

Title: A Hope in Hell
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF7/The King and the Clown
Status: 3/6
Rating: R (themes, hints of canon m/m from The King and the Clown)
Word count: 6000ish
Prompt: Angeal and Gong-gil with the title "A Hope in Hell"
A\N: Sorry for the delay in getting this part out; my fic brain went on vacation and then life (or rather, work) kind of happened. x_x And once again split because it was getting waaaaay too long--I originally was trying to keep each part under 20 pages, that got blown to smithereens with this and part four; now I'm shooting for under 30. *death* ~This is the fic that never ends, 'Cause it goes on and on my friends...~

Also, if any of you have read one of my other fic, "The Things You Never Knew About People," then you know the Wutai characters are called 'wuzi' (吳字, 'Wu letters', similar to how hanzi/kanji/hanja are 'Han letters'). Since Park is Chochungese, he uses the native Chochungese word for wuzi, which is "ouja." ....I'll, um, stop being a nerd now. Also, on the "other fic" note, Chímaira references "The Griffin and the Chimera." You don't have to read it; I'm just all for internal canon consistency.

This part contains massive spoilers for "The King and the Clown." ...And, kinda ironically, "The King and the Clown" contains massive spoilers for this fic (skillz, yes, I know). So it all kinda depends on which way you want to be spoiled. Here's your last chance to choose one spoiler over the other. ^^;;

Part One

Part Two

Part Three )

Jan. 23rd, 2009


A Hope in Hell (pt 2) [Final Fantasy 7/The King and the Clown: Angeal & Gong-gil]

Title: A Hope in Hell
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF7/The King and the Clown
Status: 2/4 (Part 1 is here)
Rating: worksafe, but PG to R just for themes. There are hints of canon m/m from The King and the Clown.
Word count: +6700
Prompt: Angeal and Gong-gil with the title, "A Hope in Hell"
Notes. )

A Hope in Hell. )

Jan. 11th, 2009


A Hope in Hell (pt 1) [Final Fantasy 7/The King and the Clown: Angeal & Gong-gil]

Title: A Hope in Hell
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF7/The King and the Clown
Status: 1/3 (Broken up so I could have at least half of it out in time; the second half will come in a week or so, because the 'epilogue' third part is for a prompt the last week.)
Rating: worksafe, but PG to R just for themes. There are hints of m/m from The King and the Clown.
Word count: 7000+
Prompt: Angeal and Gong-gil with the title, "A Hope in Hell"
Author's Notes and everything you need to know about The King and the Clown, including pictures. )

A Hope in Hell )

Part Two

Jan. 8th, 2009


O Come Sweet Death (Final Fantasy 7/Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki and Genesis)

Title: O Come Sweet Death
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF7/Yami no Matsuei
Rating: worksafe
Word count: 100
Prompt: Tsuzuki and Genesis: "Who do you think you are?"

Who do you think you are? )