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Feb. 2nd, 2009


Who Loves Thee Best (Naruto/Sakura Gari; Itachi/Masataka)

Title: Who Loves Thee Best
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Naruto/Sakura Gari (AU)
Characters: Uchiha Itachi/Tagami Masataka
Rating: PG
Prompt: Week 4 - 6 (Uchiha Itachi) and 2 (Tagami Masataka) as the main characters in a fairy tale
Notes: ~4000 words. Masataka finally gets nice things! Kinda. Also, I have no idea where that title came from whatsoever, just that it fits.

The last of the monsters was a strange man in an orange spiraled mask, one whose visage was familiar to Itachi for some reason he could not name. He was the last to die, and took the longest to kill; before he fell, he cursed Itachi with blindness and died laughing. )


One More For the Road (Naruto/Sakura Gari; Itachi/Souma)

Title: One More For The Road
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Naruto/Sakura Gari (AU)
Characters: Uchiha Itachi/Saiki Souma
Rating: PG
Prompt: Week 2 - 1 (Saiki Souma) and 6 (Uchiha Itachi) with the title, "One More for the Road"
Summary: Left behind and longing.
Notes: ~200 words. Itachi makes a surprisingly good vampire.

He had known what he was agreeing to then and he knew, too, how it would end now. )

Feb. 1st, 2009


Strings Attached (Naruto/Warcraft; Itachi, Arthas)

Title: Strings Attached
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Naruto/Warcraft
Characters: Uchiha Itachi, Arthas Menethil (as the Lich King)
Rating: PG
Prompt: Week 1 - 6 (Uchiha Itachi) and 8 (Arthas Menethil): an unexpected act of kindness
Summary: Benevolent is not his middle name.
Notes: ~700 words. On names and canon. )

Eyes such as yours shouldn't be wasted on worms. )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Birthmark (Naruto/Teen Titans; Itachi, Raven)

Title: Birthmark
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Naruto/Teen Titans (animated series...mostly)
Characters: Uchiha Itachi, Raven
Rating: PG
Prompt: Week 1 - 5 (Raven) and 6 (Uchiha Itachi): transformation of some kind (genderswitch? body swap? species shift?)
Summary: Uchiha Itachi mastered many arts. This was not one of them.
Notes: ~1300 words. Fair warning about Itachi; I tend to ignore most of the new canon that's come to light about the Uchiha and Madara, mostly because I don't like it and stopped reading Naruto before those chapters anyway. I've picked up snippets here and there though, and I pick and choose which of those to use when I write Itachi now. Basically, he won't be entirely current-canon-compliant.

Red appeared in the darkness before him; a bright, malevolent pinprick of light. It grew, it doubled in number. It doubled again. )

Jan. 8th, 2009


A Hope in Hell (Warcraft/Teen Titans; Sylvanas, Raven)

Title: A Hope in Hell
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Warcraft/Teen Titans (animated series)
Characters: Sylvanas, Raven
Rating: PG
Prompt: 5 (Raven) and 7 (Sylvanas Windrunner) with the title, "A Hope in Hell"
Summary: Sylvanas has ever been a protector -- of the living, undead, or otherwise.
Notes: ~1000 words. I imagine this being set somewhere in the finale of the fourth season of Teen Titans. Also, I feel I should just take a moment and mention that I totally fangirl Sylvanas and am happy to give her kind-of nice things.

The stench of sulfur filled her nostrils, the constant flickers of flame made her armor and leathers uncomfortably tight about her limbs--a counterfeit of life’s warmth that Sylvanas found sorely lacking. )

Jan. 7th, 2009


Now Cracks A Noble Heart (Warcraft/Sakura Gari; Masataka, Arthas)

Title: Now Cracks A Noble Heart
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandoms: Warcraft/Sakura Gari
Characters: Masataka, Arthas
Rating: PG
Prompt: 2 (Tagami Masataka) rescues 8 (Arthas Menethil) from some kind of trouble
Summary: A fall from grace, through the eyes of one who would not watch.
Notes: ~8000 words. I'm not sure how much knowledge of the Warcraft canon is necessary to follow this, though I hope you should be able to get the gist without any. This follows the events of Warcraft III quite closely, but not exactly.

I do not know why I keep giving Arthas nice things.

Notes the Second, May 2009: For various reasons, I've decided to take this fic down. Feel free to contact me to ask why.

Jan. 2nd, 2009


You Know My Name [Original - The City Adel; Pevi, Yelina, Ivahn]

Title: You Know My Name
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Original - The City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Pevi-centric, Yelina, Ivahn
Rating: PG
Warnings: background m/m
Prompt/challenge you're answering: 1 (Pevi) has amnesia -- does 3 (Yelina) try to help, or take shameless advantage of the situation?
Summary: The face in the mirror is yours? That's news to you.
Notes: ~5000 words. As far as I'm aware this is barely medically accurate at all. Also, I think this is like the most complete telling of Pevi's backstory that I have ever done. Weird.

The menu, like so many details of your life, is both familiar and strange. Like something you think you should know that nevertheless eludes your grasp. Story of your life now, you think. )

Jul. 6th, 2008


Warcraft; "The Tale of the Homely Prince"

Title: The Tale of the Homely Prince
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Warcraft
Characters: mainly Thrall at this point, but Sylvanas shows up, as well as many, many more.
Pairings: Tyrande/Malfurion, Illidan-->Tyrande, Kael'thas-->Jaina, Jaina/Thrall. So basically the canon, except for the Jaina/Thrall which is practically canon anyways, right?
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: really elaborate language, possible overabundance of threes
Prompt Answered: Week 4 -- Sylvanas and Thrall as the main characters in a fairy tale.
Words: ~3000
Summary: I be here ta tell ya da story o’ da Warchief, da story of how he got his wolf an’ hammer an’ lady, from da days before he be leader o’ da Horde, before he came ta dis land.
(1) This is basically the Warcraft canon thrown into a blender on high and then dressed up with pretty words. You won't need to know the canon to understand the story, though.
(2) I wanted to be able to post more of what I've got, but I'm really stalling on it, so. This is all you get for now.

Once, in a land far away... )

Jul. 5th, 2008


Original -- The City Adel; "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" 1/2

Title: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo 1/2
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Barakiel, Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: light m/m, glossed f/f, swearing
Prompt Answered: Week 4 -- Barakiel and Ivahn as the main characters of a fairy tale.
Length: 8500/15600
Summary: In which a fairy must pull off a Happily Ever After, and does so. With style.
Notes: This thing ballooned on me, it really did. But I had a blast writing it.


in a land far, far away…

...or perhaps not so far away, there lived a fairy. )


Original -- The City Adel; "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" 2/2

Title: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo 2/2
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Barakiel, Pevi/Ivahn
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: light m/m, glossed f/f, swearing
Prompt Answered: Week 4 -- Barakiel and Ivahn as the main characters of a fairy tale.
Length: 7100/15600
Summary: In which a fairy must pull off a Happily Ever After, and does so. With style.
Notes: This thing ballooned on me, it really did. But I had a blast writing it anyway.

Ye Saga Continuef! )

Jul. 3rd, 2008


Original -- The City Adel; "Minesweeper"

Title: Minesweeper
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Flynn & Demetria
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: swearing
Prompt Answered: Week 2 -- Demetria and Flynn play a game or sport together.
Summary: He is definitely not the kind of person you’d expect to have agreed to this. And yet, here he is.
Author's Notes: I don't even know how this came to be. Just that it did. I...tried not to use too much jargon, but I think I may have anyway. *fail*

He is definitely not the kind of person you’d expect to have agreed to this. And yet, here he is. )

Jul. 1st, 2008


Original -- The City Adel; "Behind the Mask"

Title: Behind the Mask
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Barakiel & Pevi
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Pevi's potty mouth
Prompt Answered: Week 3 - Barakiel and Pevi with the title, "Behind the Mask."
Length: ~700
Author's Notes: ...I think you can basically get everything you need to know about vessels from the fic itself, but if not, let me know?

And I let you live in my soul why? )

Jun. 30th, 2008


"Poetry in Motion" - Naruto/X-Men - Itachi/X-23

Title: Poetry in Motion
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: Naruto/X-Men
Pairing/Characters: Itachi/X-23 (okay, so it's more like Itachi-->X-23 at this point); Shisui
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: Week 1 - The beginning of X-23 and Itachi's passionate love affair.
Length: ~2000
Author's Notes: I wanted this to be all about X-23. Instead, it's all about Itachi. I'm still glad that I managed to get something out for this list, and for this prompt in particular. These are two of my favorite characters. :)

If she were a poem, he thinks distantly, she could be nothing other than a haiku. )

Jun. 6th, 2008


Original -- The City Adel; "Caretaker"

Title: Caretaker
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Jozas, Ivahn, & Annetta
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: someone has died just before this piece begins
Prompt Answered: Jozas and Ivahn: the memory cannot keep me warm / but it never leaves me cold
Author's Notes: Loose interpretation of theme, ahahahayeah. Ahem. This one needs a little background. In the interests of clarity I'll just outright say that in this continuity, Ivahn and his family are vampires. I don't normally play around with Ivahn's family, and haven't touched Jozas for a long time, so it was kind of neat to touch on both of those things with this.

I'm here for her. Her uh, soul, that is. )

Jun. 3rd, 2008


Original -- The City Adel; "So This is Love", "Damsel in Distress", and "Equivalent Exchange"

Everything I wrote ended up really short. These three together make up about 600 words in total.

Title: So This Is Love
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Ralin/Flynn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: slight m/m
Prompt Answered: The beginning of Ralin and Flynn's passionate love affair.
Author's Notes: I didn't think I could get these characters together, but uh, I did. And I kind of like it. :)

That's what YOU think. )

Title: Damsel in Distress
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Flynn/Barakiel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: slight m/m
Prompt Answered: Flynn/Barakiel, captivity scenario (kidnapping, prison guard/inmate, etc.)
Author's Notes: This wasn't my first impulse when confronted with the prompt, but I'm glad it ended up this way.

Never said I didn't like it. )

Title: Equivalent Exchange
Author/Artist: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: original -- the City Adel
Pairing/Characters: Yelina, Rawnel
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none.
Prompt Answered: Rawnel shares something meaningful (a meal? a secret? ...bodily fluids?) with Yelina
Author's Notes: I don't know what Pevi did to get into so much trouble that Yelina has to do this in order to bail him out. It was neat to play around with her on her own--normally I write her either in a group or interacting with Pevi alone.

...at once the same and monstrous. )