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Jan. 7th, 2009


Unknown Visitor (VoH: Shchelkunchik - Great, Bruton)

Title: Unknown Visitor
Author: [info]elanor_pam
Fandoms: The Violinist of Hameln: Shchelkunchik
Characters: Great, Bruton
Rating: G
Prompt: Great has amnesia --does Bruton try to help, or take shameless advantage of the situation?
Notes: You really only need to read the first two chapters of the manga to know what's between these two. For those who don't know the manga... let's just say Great made Bruton who he currently is.

But I thought I was too young for that. )

Jun. 27th, 2008


"Professional Opinion", [Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa]

Title: Professional Opinion
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing/characters: Cloud/Tifa
Rating: T
Warnings: Innuendo
Prompt: Cloud and Tifa with the title "Professional Opinion".
Notes: So, Cloud was training hand-to-hand combat when...

Read more... )


"Professional Opinion" [Original: Message to the King/Sinful]

Title: Professional Opinion
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Original (Message to the King/Sinful)
Pairing/characters: Parf and Odessa
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: Parf and Odessa with the title "Professional Opinion".
Notes: Odessa is a "retired" weapons smith. "Retired" because his village is peaceful and he has an inn to take care of, but he still plays with metals to relax.

And boy, is he opinionated. )

Jun. 22nd, 2008


"Kagome didn't have this kind of problem" [Violinist of Hameln, Vocal/Flute]

Title: Kagome didn't have this kind of problem
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Vocal/Flute
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood
Prompt: Vocal and Flute: they fight crime!
Notes: Vocal is a manga-only antagonist that more or less signals the middle of the story arc. He was a powerful mazoku who was the closest their kind would call a psychopath, capable of ripping humans and monsters apart with the same amount of glee a 5-year-old kid would attack a box of sugar. 500 years before the story starts, he tried to attack the Demon King just for the lulz; to hold him down, the king and his 5 generals had to fight together, and he was locked in a tower under a pile of seals with an iron ball chained to his wrists. During the manga, in an attempt to either a) drive Hamel into using his demon powers or b) free Chestra from his prison, the Generals set him out in the human world with about 20% of his original powers, and the chained ball which allowed them to attack him with gravity if he tried to kill someone he shouldn't. He proceeds to kick dogs all over the place.

So, of course, making him Fight Crime turns out to be kind of a bad idea... )

Jun. 20th, 2008


"Wake up, sweetheart" [Violinist of Hameln, Hamel/Flute]

Title: Wake up, sweetheart
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Hamel/Flute
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: NOT worksafe.
Prompt: Flute/Hamel, dominance/submission
Notes: Can be taken as the logical consequence of my first prompt of the week, "Cold Feet".

Now -this- is a good morning... if morning it is. )

Jun. 19th, 2008


"Behind the Mask" [Original: Sinful/'verse that never ends]

Title: Behind the Mask
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Original (Sinful/'Verse that never ends)
Pairing/characters: Engels/Odessa
Rating: PG
Warnings: Fat old guy.
Prompt: Engels and Odessa with the title, "Behind the Mask."
Notes: Engels is scarred for life.

You shouldn't read a book by its cover... )

Jun. 17th, 2008


"Holding the High Ground" [Violinist of Hameln]

Title: Holding the High Ground
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Raiel/Sizer
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Prompt: Raiel and Sizer with the promt, "Holding the High Ground".
Notes: This one hit square into canon. XD

She's always looking at him from above. )

Jun. 15th, 2008


"Cold Feet" [Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln]

Title: Cold feet
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/Characters: Aeris/Flute
Rating: Tettering on the edge of not-worksafeness
Warnings: Horny Cetras and extremely skimpy outfits
Prompt Answered: Aeris and Flute: "Don't make me come over there."
Author's Notes: What does one need to do to get some PORN here?

The lack of sweaty, rampant mutual ravishing here is highly upsetting. )

Jun. 13th, 2008


"Mine is bigger" [Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln]

Title: Mine is bigger
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/Characters: Zack/Sizer
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: Zack/Sizer, weapon kink
Author's Notes: Sizer just doesn't look as boobtastic as she should...

Want to compare? )

Jun. 12th, 2008


"The edge of the map" [Original characters, Engels/Levi]

Title: A long way down
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: 'Verse that never ends/Message to the king
Pairing/Characters: Engels and Levi
Rating: Y7
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: Engels and Levi with the title, "The Edge of the Map."
Author's Notes: It's a long, long way down.

Looking over the edge )

Jun. 10th, 2008


"Hit the ground running" [Original, Engels/Herbert]

Title: Hit the ground running
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Original (Sinful/'verse that never ends)
Pairing/Characters: Engels and Herbert
Rating: Y7
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: Engels and Herbert with the title, "Hit the Ground Running."
Author's Notes: Took it pretty literally.

Give it up - he's -good-. )

Jun. 8th, 2008


"Fortuitous Meeting" [Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln]

Title: Fortuitous meeting
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantay VII/Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/Characters: Pandora and Aeris
Rating: Y7
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: "Things will get better, I promise"
Author's Notes: This would be the meeting of the century.

Everything will be alright. I know it. )

Jun. 7th, 2008


"Guess what?" [Originals, Sinful/Message to the king]

Title: Guess what?
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Original 'Verse (Sinful/Message to the King)
Pairing/Characters: Herbert/Parf
Rating: Mature
Warnings: All sorts of implied stuff
Prompt Answered: Herbert shares something meaningful (a secret) with Parf
Author's Notes: Herbert is not nearly as dangerous as he makes himself to be, but bluffing is one of his few greatest skills.

Jun. 6th, 2008


"Melody" [Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln]

Title: Melody
Author/Artist: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantay VII/Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/Characters: Raiel and Cloud
Rating: Y7
Warnings: none
Prompt Answered: Raiel shares something meaningful with Cloud
Author's Notes: drawing this gave me cavities.

Jun. 5th, 2008


"An understandable misconception," Oiginal Characters, Engels/Nancy

Title: An understandable misconception
Author/Artist: Elanor Pam
Fandom: Original Characters (Sinful/My 'verse that never ends)
Pairing/characters: Engels and Nancy
Rating: Safe
Prompt: Captivity Scenario
Warning: None.
Notes: Nancy is extremely dim, but in this case, not even Engels can blame her.  

Jun. 4th, 2008


Violinist of Hameln, Pandora/Hamel - memory of mother

Title: Memory of mother
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Pandora and Hamel
Rating: PG.
Warnings: None.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: the memory cannot keep me warm, but it never leaves me cold

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Original characters:  "First time" (Levi and Parf)

Title: First time
Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Original story
Pairing/characters: Levi, Parf
Rating: PG
Warnings: none really.
Prompt/challenge: "first time"
Author's Notes: Amazingly enough, the prompt coincided with a long-planned scene from my story, so I went for it. ^_^

Read more... )

Jun. 1st, 2008


Final Fantasy VII/Violinist of Hameln: "Please sit down."

Title: Please sit down.
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII and Violinist of Hameln
Pairing/characters: Zack Fair and Hamel
Rating: Your children would love this.
Warnings: Boundless imaturity.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: "Go on, make yourself comfortable."
Notes: The art is not great in this - it's little more than a colored sketch - but it is pretty much how I see these two interacting with each other.

Go on... sit down. )

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