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January 21st, 2009

[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

Confessing Love Again and Again (Disney: Belle/Nala)

Title: Confessing Love Again and Again
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast/The Lion King
Pairing/characters: Belle/Nala
Rating: G
Warnings: college students AU (Disney Hall); girlkissing
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Belle and Nala: "I'd hate to ruin the surprise."

Excerpt: Sometimes when Nala was out, Belle read them, her curiosity a curse. Badly-spelled devotions, achingly-sappy poetry... it hurt Belle to see how much they cared.

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[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

Becoming Family (CCS: Meiling & Sakura)

Title: Becoming Family
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura
Pairing/characters: Syaoran/Sakura; Meiling
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Sakura and Meiling: "I'd hate to ruin the surprise."

Excerpt: "Come on, come on!" Meiling said, reaching for Sakura's hand, and they were both grinning as she dragged her up the stairs. For a moment they were kids again instead of the adults they proposed to be.

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[info]rosethornli in [info]no_true_pair

Martial Arts Methuselah (Immortal Rain/Ranma 1/2)

Title: Martial Arts Methuselah
Author/Artist: [info]rosethornli
Fandom(s): Immortal Rain/Ranma 1/2
Pairing/characters: Yuca, Ryouga, Tendo family, Genma
Rating: PG-13
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Yuca and Ryouga, eternal rivals!!!
Word Count: 2233
Summary: Yuca is reborn as Ranma. Unfortunately, this makes a difference.

[info]lassarina in [info]no_true_pair

The Way Home, Part 2 (Final Fantasy IV/Final Fantasy VI, Celes and Rydia)

Title: The Way Home, Part 2 (find part 1 here)
Author: Lassarina Aoibhell (ficjournal: [info]angharad)
Fandoms: Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI
Characters: Edge Geraldine, Rydia Drake, Celes Chere, Locke Cole (Edge/Rydia, Locke/Celes)
Rating: PG
Prompt: Rydia Drake and Celes Chere -- I've traveled the world and the seven seas / everybody's looking for something
Wordcount: 2,526
Summary: Having lost her memory, Celes tries to find a way back to her own world.

The Way Home, Part 2 )

[info]tyger in [info]no_true_pair

[FIC] Yuugiou:

...that's it! I'm not going to let its lack of title stop me from getting it in before the due date!
Also, eeee, tags! ♥♥

Author/Artist: Tyger
Fandom: Yuugiou
Pairing/characters: Bakura, The King of Thieves
Rating: PG (themes), 913 words.
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Bakura and The King of Thieves: "Virtue is its own punishment."

He knows he's dreaming )

[info]cephy in [info]no_true_pair

"A Wolf At The Door", Saiyuki & D.Gray-man

Title: A Wolf At The Door
Author: Cephy
Fandom: Saiyuki, D.Gray-man
Characters: Tyki Mick, Nii Jianyi
Rating: R
Words: 100
Prompt/Challenge: with the title "A Wolf at the Door"

'I could show you what your heart looks like.' )

[info]slowmercury in [info]no_true_pair

"The Door Outside" - Sandman / Sky High

Title: The Door Outside
Author: SlowMercury
Fandom: Sandman and Sky High
Pairing/characters: Gwen Grayson / Dream
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
Prompt/Challenge: title "Wolf at the Door"
Summary: Gwen dreams of escape.
Author's Notes: Yeah, I forgot the prompt was supposed to be the title.
It would probably help your understanding of the story to be mildly familiar with Sandman, but I don't think it's key. Gwen Grayson is from Disney's superhero school film Sky High; she's a technopath, which basically means she's a Mad Scientist type who can do things with her mind. Her costume name is Royal Pain.

Gwen was dreaming. She knew it because she could think clearly )

[info]shimyaku in [info]no_true_pair

Just like the rest [Jrock, Ruki/Uruha - The Gazette]

Title: Just like the rest
Author: [info]shimyaku
Fandom: Jrock
Pairing/characters: Ruki / Uruha [The Gazette]
Rating: PG13
Warnings: language, implications of sex
Word count: >770
Prompt: I've traveled the world and the seven seas / everybody's looking for something
A/N: I've just recently returned home from overseas, which means I can finally make the time to post something! I know I've missed a couple of weeks... I hope I don't end up spamming you all during the 'free for all' >3

Rough night? )