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January 20th, 2009

[info]cephy in [info]no_true_pair

FFXII & KH, "Bending the Rules"

Title: Bending The Rules
Author: Cephy
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII, Kingdom Hearts II
Characters: Balthier, Axel
Rating: PG-13
Prompt/challenge: "virtue is its own punishment"

'Sky pirates don't tend to get very far by being nice.' )

[info]chibirisuchan in [info]no_true_pair

FF7 AU - The Dragon of Nibelheim, part 2 of 3

Title: The Dragon of Nibelheim, part 2
Author: [info]chibirisuchan
Fandom: FF7 (AU)
Pairing/characters: Angeal and Sephiroth
Rating: R for being pretty disturbing
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Angeal and Sephiroth, working together
Warnings: Still the Brothers Grimm edition of a fairytale world...
Author's notes: Continued from part 1.

Part 2 )

[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

A Wolf at the Door (Disney: Megara/Ariel)

Title: A Wolf at the Door; or Mistaken Identity in the Dimness
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Hercules/The Little Mermaid
Pairing/characters: Megara/Ariel
Rating: PG for implied sex
Warnings: college students AU (Disney Hall); crossdressing; implied sex
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Megara and Ariel with the title, "A Wolf at the Door"

Excerpt: Ariel had gently touched her hands, ran her fingertips along Megara's jaw, and Megara hoped that her disguise was sufficient, just for one night.

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[info]dropsofviolet in [info]no_true_pair

A Wolf at the Door (CCS/xxxHOLiC: Watanuki & Eriol)

Title: A Wolf at the Door; or Sanctuary
Author/Artist: [info]dropsofviolet
Fandom: Cardcaptor Sakura/xxxHOLiC
Pairing/characters: Watanuki and Eriol gen
Rating: G
Warnings: vague account of injury
Prompt/challenge you're answering: Watanuki and Eriol with the title, "A Wolf at the Door"

Excerpt: Watanuki wasn't sure why he knew this would be the place to stop, but he had little more than instinct left behind the keening wall of pain. He scrabbled at the door, blinking blood out of his eyes, and swiftly someone answered.

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