There is an enchantment laid on these grounds. For half the day, you are yourself, a member of the household staff. For the other, you are transformed, taking the shape of the everyday trappings of your Master's household. You're used to that. Life at Neverwood Manor has always been like this... hasn't it?

But sometimes, while going about your duties, you can't help feeling like something isn't right, like you once lived a different life, in another time, another place...

Neverwood Manor is a panfandom memory loss game based on the Enchanted Castle from the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. We are OC-friendly and all non-puncturable.

December 2022


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Posts Tagged: 'zirk+vervain'

Nov. 3rd, 2022



To whoever put this delectable, freshly made strudel behind Goldie Gorman's History of Interior Design, thank you for contributing to my breakfast. Our bakers truly are excellent. I will be washing it down with this very well stored collection of six fruit juices that were behind the encyclopedias, and finishing with a snack of well salted bread crisps sourced from the underside of the brown reading desk.

Private Letter to Kuja )

Sep. 24th, 2022



I seem to have misplaced my stethoscope, let me know if any of you find it. Your heart might stop beating and we wouldn't know!


Aug. 19th, 2022



Hi Zirk and hi everyone else also! Doctor Zirk, do you need any help with being a doctor or things about doctoring? I'm very good at grinding plants and also very good at finding the best mushrooms AND I'm pretty good at drying and separating herbs but not the best. I'm also very good at corking and mixing!

Aug. 12th, 2022



Does anyone remember...there being this many pictures of seals in the lobby? Did the Master have a pet one or something in the past?

- × ļ½ļ¼¹

Aug. 2nd, 2022



Please refrain from picking the peonies out by the forge. I know they're easily accessible but remember that someone had to be out there to plant them. And the constant upkeep of having them a healthy pink is not as easy as it sounds. If flowers are needed for confessions or decorations, I'm sure we could work something out that doesn't damage the Master's property. Thank you.

Aug. 1st, 2022



Aaaaaa~! I've been having so much fun lately! Say say I'm playing a game right now, does anyone have any good tips on getting better at board games? There's someone in the castle who's so good at chess! If you know who they are don't tell me! I'm trying to guess~ Anyway, I can't beat them no matter how much I try~ It would be frustrating if it wasn't so impressive! I could go on and on!! I haven't played against someone who beats me like that in a while! Sorry Pitoooou~ You're better at sparring than gaaames. Anyway!! Any tip are happily waaaanted~ Thanks~! ā™”ā™”

Jul. 24th, 2022



Anyone have a net?



Anyone get those shitty thoughts telling you not to do something but you damn wanna do it anyway?

Jul. 21st, 2022



To whoever has been having explosive diarrhea in the second-floor bathroom, I have made you an herbal remedy... It will be on the table outside my office. Please use it... please...


Jul. 19th, 2022



What do you think would happen if we like... unhooked me from the ceiling?

Jul. 18th, 2022



Has everyone gotten their portraits taken for this year? Also, is there time available for us to schedule a group photo? Night and Day cycles separate, unfortunately.