There is an enchantment laid on these grounds. For half the day, you are yourself, a member of the household staff. For the other, you are transformed, taking the shape of the everyday trappings of your Master's household. You're used to that. Life at Neverwood Manor has always been like this... hasn't it?

But sometimes, while going about your duties, you can't help feeling like something isn't right, like you once lived a different life, in another time, another place...

Neverwood Manor is a panfandom memory loss game based on the Enchanted Castle from the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast. We are OC-friendly and all non-puncturable.

December 2022


Dec. 31st, 2022



Group Event: Afterparty

The curse has lifted from everyone's shoulders for one brief, magical evening. Do well to make it count.

Sunday, January 1st | 1am - Sunrise| Neverwood Estate Ballroom | Keep reading... )



Group Thread: The Ball

This is a sight the Neverwood Manor hasn't seen in quite some time.

Saturday, December 30th | 4pm - 1am | Neverwood Estate Ballroom | Keep reading... )



Who: World End & Niccolo Carpediem
What: Just a boaring morning :D
When: The morning of December 31st
Where: The Forge
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, there's a boar, World End freaks the fuck out, takes place around the same time as this network, he's a cute af boar, I won't have enough boar icons I already know,

The transformation was so sudden.... This had to be some shitty vampire thing. )

Oct. 12th, 2022



Who: World End & Niccolo Carpediem
What: Putting Lawless's advice to use
When: The night of October 12th
Where: The gardening shed
Status: Closed, Finished
Warnings: TBD, Confessions!, remembering the past, oh to be a servamp who's in love with your eve but you don't remember, Cappuccino makes a cameo via a quote!, This is just super fluffy

He'd been sitting on the thought for too long. There was just something about him )

Oct. 11th, 2022



Who: Alphonse Elric, Lawless
What: Remembering your recovery is kind of shocking
When: The evening of October 11th
Where: Al's room
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, No spoilers for FMA, Talks of recovering from severe undernourishment, mention of hospitals & physical therapy, feinting & weakness, Lawless is probably simping lol,

It was just like his alchemy. How could he have forgotten something so important? )

Sep. 27th, 2022



Who: Misono Alicein
What: Remembering reports & being ill
When: The evening of September 27th
Where: Misono's room
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: Doctor talk, bit of angst, Snowlily is hinted at, fatigue fatigue fatigue, this has a lot of just speculation & research please take his diagnosis HC with a grain of salt, Misono has a cane and you can't convince me otherwise, there's hints of negative self talk in this too, Oh Boy headcanons!, flashbacks, Snowlily actually ended up making an appearance,

A flash of purple, the rustle of the wind, and his eyes were drawn aside. )

Aug. 29th, 2022



Who: Rin & Bon
What: Sharing the secret hideout
When: August 29th, sometime in the early morning before the sunrise
Where: The manor, but the location is a secret
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: probably just a lot of bickering and maybe something fruity

Follow me. )

Aug. 23rd, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Mikuni Alicein
What: Reaching the end of the riddle game
When: August 23rd
Where: The rose garden
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, mentions of these riddles, probably a little gay,

I can be red, pink, yellow, orange or white, but I am not any type of paint But when it's with you, selecting a red one is most right )

Jul. 27th, 2022



Who: Riley Xu
What: Finding his coat
When: July 27th
Where: His room!
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: None needed!

A selkie without his coat is a sight indeed! )

Jul. 18th, 2022



Who: Youtarou & Gear
What: Coming back after the full moon
When: July 14th, dawn (Backdated)
Where: Gear's room
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Half-naked werewolf, tbd

It's time he knows the truth. )

Jul. 4th, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Chessboard!Mikuni Alicein
What: Playing chess
When: The night of July 4th
Where: The Gamesroom
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, thoughts of loneliness, sneaking around where you shouldn't be, neither of us knows how to play chess very well, cue the chess googling,

Navari's words had been swirling in his head. )

Jun. 28th, 2022



Who: Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck
What: Love at first sight Meeting new friends!
When: The night of June 25th (backdated)
Where: The Stables
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD

He's the same age as me! )